slgwv's photos with the keyword: watering

Where the hot spring ends up--

31 Oct 2018 1 229
Pool where the outflow from the hot spring (adjacent photo) collects. It supports vegetation and apparently is drinkable by livestock; the value of surface water in this area is suggested by the sign on the pool (left inset). This area is in the vicinity of the Burning Man counterculture festival, held in late summer in the Black Rock desert, and perhaps there had been some problems with unauthorized diversions by campers!

Stock tank

25 Jul 2016 2 2 541
Small reservoir for watering stock, off the Greeley Crossing road in extreme northern Nevada. These small watering ponds are commonly called "tanks" in the western US. I've seen it alleged that this is a literal translation of Spanish "tinaja", but it could just be another survival of an older usage. According to the online etymology dictionary, "tank" meant pond originally. Lots of these little ponds dried up in the drought, so it's nice to see it holding water! It just catches the occasional runoff in this usually dry drainage. In fact, it was apparently dry when the satellite view was taken.

Windmill & watering trough

26 Feb 2012 3 5 288
Northern Washoe County, Nevada, USA.

Dry watering trough

18 Dec 2012 2 128
Another view. Looking northeasterly; Seven Troughs Range in the distance. Pershing County, Nevada, USA.

Dry watering trough

18 Dec 2012 2 4 338
At the mouth of an unnamed canyon to the west of the Seven Troughs Range, Pershing County, Nevada, USA. The larger canyons in lots of these dry-looking desert ranges generally have a little surface water locally--a spring or two, or even a small creek. At one point, probably in the early 20th century, the ranchers in the area built piping to carry water from these springs down to watering troughs for the livestock. Most of that infrastructure has fallen into complete disrepair, as here.