Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: tweede kamer

Temporary parliament building

05 May 2022 81
The parliament buildings are being renovated, so parliament moved to this old building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Blue protest

13 May 2021 73
The modern building on the right is one of the entrances of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament. The square in front – called Plein or Square – is therefore a popular spot for protests. The building on the left of the modern building is the former Ministry of the Colonies, now office space for parliamentarians. The building to the left is the former Rotterdam House, the representation of the city of Rotterdam at the States General. Now it is used by the Ministry of Defence. The statue is of William of Orange, or William the Silent.

Polling station at the Museum of Antiquities

01 Apr 2017 164
The ballot papers are in hieroglyphics.

Dutch general election 2017 – All the parties in e…

14 Mar 2017 1 1 216
On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Dutch general election 2017 – Poster for the Green…

14 Mar 2017 259
The party leader of this party Jesse Klaver lied about his youth in a supposedly bad neighbourhood (which it wasn't) and his long way up through the education system. He modelled himself on Obama and he looks a bit like Justin Trudeau. His nickname is Jessias. On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Dutch general election 2017 – Campaign vehicle for…

14 Mar 2017 226
On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Dutch general election 2017 – Somebody doesn't lik…

14 Mar 2017 236
On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Vote for Jesus

18 Feb 2017 186
On March 15, 2017 there are elections for the Dutch parliament. One of the candidates is Jesus.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Voting pass

09 Sep 2012 143
You get one automatically, you don't have to register as a voter.


06 Aug 2010 171
This man, Ruud Lubbers, was the longest serving prime minister in the Netherlands, from 1982 to 1994. He was very good with words so that often his political opponents were left confused, caught in a thick forest of words. And if the words didn't fit, he changed the meaning of them or he quoted from non-existent dictionary editions. He was also very good in finding compromises, very handy in a coalition country such as the Netherlands. He was the prime minister of my youth. He was appointed as informateur so we could see him in parliament, in the chair usually occupied by the prime minister. It was vintage Lubbers.

Minister of Finance Jan Kees de Jager

18 Sep 2012 139
The third Tuesday of September is Budget Day, so the minister of finance puts on his morning suit and presents the budget to parliament. It was probably the last performance of Jan Kees de Jager, as his party (CDA) lost in the recent elections and is not expected to be part of the new government.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Samsom: Bilde…

09 Sep 2012 273
This is mr. Samsom, leader of the Socialists. As his hair has disappeared, the campaign team thought it wise to cut the picture at the top. Let's hope he hasn't lost his brain too. He used to be a Greenpeace activist with a short temper. The defacer accuses him of being in the hands of the Bilderberg conference and of being corrupt.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Election inst…

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – SGP election…

09 Sep 2012 213
Doet niet mee! = Does not participate! By "femisism" they probably mean feminism. The defacers don't like the fact that the SGP bars women from holding any public office or stand for elections. This only applies to women who are members of the SGP. The Dutch courts have decided that this is illegal.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Do you still…

09 Sep 2012 220
This is mr. Slob. If you think this is an unfortunate name, consider that we had a prime minister who was called mr. Kok. Now mr. Kok was in London once, together with the CEO of the Dutch telecom company who was called mr. Dik, for a diplomatic occasion. Must have been fun when mr. Kok and mr. Dik from the Netherlands were introduced. Too bad mr. Slob wasn't there. Anyway, mr. Slob is the leader of a small Christian party. He wants shops to close on Sundays.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Pechtold: Fre…

09 Sep 2012 1 244
This is mr. Pechtold, a rather low-brow politician who wants to abolish the Netherlands and let unelected bureaucrats from Brussels rule us. Here is accused of being a freemason and being corrupt. Lately he also attended the Bilderberg conference. Must have been exciting for him.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Do you still…

09 Sep 2012 230
This is mr. Sybrand Buma, leader of the Christian Democrats. They used to be big, with an absolute majority in parliament from 1917 to 1967, but it all went downhill from then. The churches are empty too.

Dutch parliamentary elections 2012 – Election post…

09 Sep 2012 264
The cities and towns put up these poster boards for political parties during election times. The voters sometimes express their opinion, which is nice.

22 items in total