Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: gedicht


03 Jun 2015 197
Lelijke Kutzee Ik hou Niet meer Van jou Lafaard Afz. Tessa

Poésie trouvée

02 Jul 2014 137
zolder en kelder opruiming in verband met verhuizing en stoppen met verzamelingen attic and cellar clearance because of moving and stopping with collections

Modern poem

25 Feb 2012 128
Gelieve Afval aan de overkant neer te zetten , Dank u wel.

Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen

06 Feb 2013 141
First World War poem.

Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen

06 Feb 2013 143
First World War poem.

Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen

06 Feb 2013 154
First World War poem.

Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen

06 Feb 2013 134
First World War poem.

Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen

06 Feb 2013 155
First World War poem.

Poem by Levi Weemoedt

Modern gedicht

19 Sep 2011 96
Geachte gebruikers. Graag deze deur. Te allen tijde. op slot en Gesloten houden. Dus niet open laten staan. Maar elke keer. Weer op slot draaien Er is namelijk al een fiets weg. Rough translation: Dear Users. Please keep this door. At all times. locked and Closed. So do not leave it open. But every time. Turn the lock again. A bike already is gone.

Coffee poem

12 Aug 2006 146
The caption underneath reads: "This poem was written for better working conditions for workers on the coffee plantations and won second price in the Coffee-Poem Offensive 2003, a poem competition organised by Hivos in co-operation with the foundation Tegen Beeld." For some reason working conditions haven't improved much.