Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: groene hart

Benthuizer Bovenmolen

30 Mar 2014 2 186
Remnant of a windmill. The windmill was built in 1928, as the previous windmill burnt down because of a spark from a steam engine. The windmill was one of three windmills which pumped the water in stages from the Benthuizer and Benthorner North and South Polder. The windmill part was removed in 1960.

Enough shrubberies for everybody

Bridge over the Weipoortse Vliet

John Deere 6420 tractor

End of the winter

30 Mar 2014 1 157
so the fodder is nearly depleted.

Water management in action

30 Mar 2014 1 153
The pump pumps water from the polder into the canal.


30 Mar 2014 2 158
The windmill dates from 1648.


Blauwe Wip of Geremolen

30 Mar 2014 1 164
The windmill dates from 1636. It can still pump water from the Oost- en Westgeer polder.

Cows enjoying their Sunday afternoon

Train on the way from Leiden to Utrecht

The road to the village of Benthuizen

25 items in total