Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: OB

Den Haag 2023 – Old Public Library

21 Mar 2023 76
Building of the first phase started in 1922, but the building was expanded and changed in 1934. It functioned as the Central Public Library until 1995. Only the façade was kept, the building functions now as housing, offices, hospitality and a theatre. I used to frequent it a lot as a child.

Den Haag 2023 – Entrance to the old Public Library

21 Mar 2023 90
With a text of Vondel above the door: “Veel weten kan altyt niet vordren zomtyts schaden”. Roughly translated: "Knowing a lot isn't always to your advantage and can sometimes harm”. It is from a play called Lucifer. It is spoken by Gabriel, who answers a question from Lucifer about God’s plan.