Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: EU

EU Flag

02 Jun 2020 46
Somewhere in the 1990s the European ideal reached its peak, with an European flag, European constitution, European Single Market, European Single Currency etc. etc. But it came to a halt with the rejection of the EU constitution by referendum in The Netherlands and France, the failure of the euro, Brexit etc. Apparently there is a day when you can show your enthusiasm about the EU by flying the EU flag, there was at least one such person in Leiden.

EU sticker

18 May 2020 46
Cars must have an EU symbol, but bicycles do not need one.

Dresden 2019 – Militärhistorisches Museum der Bund…

Lisbon 2018 – European Union is closed

Bolsward 2018 – European subsidy

European Constitution

27 Aug 2017 1 149
After the European Constitution was rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands, the EU renamed it to Treaty of Lisbon and adopted it anyway.

Mode und Trends der 90er Jahre

Mode und Trends der 80er Jahre

England 2016 – Stamford – Britain stronger in Euro…

28 Jun 2016 178
Leaflet to promote continued membership of the European Union. It did not work, Britain chose not to sell its birthright for bread and pottage of lentiles. The EU enthusiasts argue that if European countries each pursue their own solutions to problems, this will not work and will lead to war and that is why we need a European superstate. Anti-EU people argue that the one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work, that there is no support from the peoples, i.e. that the EU creates its own instability, therefore the nation state should be in the lead.

Aumühle 2015 – Circus Europa

02 Dec 2015 1 443
After decades of trying to be a union of nations and a burgeoning superstate, Europe is now transforming itself into a circus.

Trim 2013 – European flag on a crumbling old castle

Signatures of the presidents of the European Centr…

02 Nov 2012 214
On the left the signature of Wim Duisenberg, who was president from 1998 to 2003. In the middle the signature of Jean-Claude Trichet, who was president from 2003 to 2011. On the right the signature of Mario Draghi, who became president in 2011. His policies has attracted a lot of criticism, a German politician called Draghi the currency forger of Europe (“Falschmünzer Europas”).

European Union mark on a pint glass

08 Sep 2008 164
Whatever next...