Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: latin

Catholic cemetery in Oudewater

The Leiden historical student fraternity "Robert F…

25 Sep 2007 207
I used to write the names of the new members on the bulls. In return I received a free glas of Dutch gin, but that didn't make me drunk, because new members were few and far between. In the end they felt sorry for me and gave me a half bottle of gin. Now the fraternity has folded and I'm going to hand the Great Seal and the blank bulls over to the Academic Historical Museum of Leiden University.

The Leiden historical student fraternity "Robert F…

25 Sep 2007 211
I used to write the names of the new members on the bulls. In return I received a free glas of Dutch gin, but that didn't make me drunk, because new members were few and far between. In the end they felt sorry for me and gave me a half bottle of gin. Now the fraternity has folded and I'm going to hand the Great Seal and the empty bulls over to the Academic Historical Museum of Leiden University. This bull went wrong at the sealing stage, so I kept this one as an example.

The Leiden historical student fraternity "Robert F…

25 Sep 2007 142
I used to write the names of the new members on the bulls. In return I received a free glas of Dutch gin, but that didn't make me drunk, because new members were few and far between. In the end they felt sorry for me and gave me a half bottle of gin. Now the fraternity has folded and I'm going to hand the Great Seal and the empty bulls over to the Academic Historical Museum of Leiden University.

Tuta est ægide Pallas

05 Mar 2006 170
fronton over one of the gates of the Gravensteen in Leiden. It shows the goddess Pallas Athene with her shield (aegis) with the head of the Gorgo Medusa on the left, and her spear on the right. It used to be the gate to the house of the rector of the grammar school in Leiden. Tuta est aegide Pallas means "Pallas is save because of her shield"