Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: tobias

Florence 2023 – Galleria degli Uffizi – Tobias take…

02 Sep 2023 45
Attributed to Francesco Botticini, 1470–75

Amsterdam 2016 – Rijksmuseum – Tobias and the Ange…

24 Jan 2017 173
By Hercules Segers. Derived from Book of Tobit, 5.5-6; [4] Therefore when he went to seek a man, he found Raphael that was an angel. [5] But he knew not; and he said unto him, Canst thou go with me to Rages? and knowest thou those places well? [6] To whom the angel said, I will go with thee, and I know the way well: for I have lodged with our brother Gabael.