Alan H's photos with the keyword: trajan

Trajan's Column Detail

14 Jun 2013 268
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.

Trajan's Column Detail

14 Jun 2013 217
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.

Trajan's Column Inscription Plate

14 Jun 2013 976
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. the inscription reads: SENATVS·POPVLVSQVE·ROMANVS IMP·CAESARI·DIVI·NERVAE·F·NERVAE TRAIANO·AVG·GERM·DACICO·PONTIF MAXIMO·TRIB·POT·XVII·IMP·VI·COS·VI·P·P AD·DECLARANDVM·QVANTAE·ALTITVDINIS MONS·ET·LOCVS·TANTIS·OPERIBVS·SIT·EGESTVS "The Senate and people of Rome [give or dedicate this] to the emperor Caesar, son of the divine Nerva, Nerva Traianus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus, pontifex maximus, in his 17th year in the office of tribune, having been acclaimed 6 times as imperator, 6 times consul, father of his country, to demonstrate of what great height the hill [was] and place [that] was removed for such great works" May 2010.

Trajan's Column Detail

14 Jun 2013 209
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.

Trajan's Column (Upper Half)

14 Jun 2013 335
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.

Trajan's Column (Lower Half)

14 Jun 2013 215
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.

Trajan's Column Detail

14 Jun 2013 295
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.

Trajan's Column Detail

14 Jun 2013 398
This is a plaster cast replica of the original in Rome. This cast is in London's V&A museum. May 2010.