Alan H's photos with the keyword: stanegate

Corbridge 15 - Rise&Fall

29 May 2013 114
The rise and fall of some of the walls was caused by their gradual subsidence into the ditches of an earlier fort. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 14 - Temple

29 May 2013 99
Probably a temple - the semicircular apse on the far wall is an indication of this. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 13 - Water Tank+Drain

29 May 2013 122
Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 12 - Strongroom Stairs

29 May 2013 96
Showing the door jambs. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 11 - Strongroom

29 May 2013 101
In the western compound headquarters building. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 10 - Water Tank

29 May 2013 132
Part of a fountain feature, it may have been lined with lead. The aqueduct supplying the fountain can be seen as a gulley in the top right hand corner. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 9 - Arched Conduit

29 May 2013 123
Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 8 - Columns

29 May 2013 116
Two types of column which supported the portico of the granary. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 7 - Mullion

29 May 2013 138
A vent in one of the granaries. A mullion is a stone bar, normally between window panes. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 6 - Buttress+Vents

29 May 2013 131
The side of one of the granaries showing a buttress and the vents which allowed air under the granary floor. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 5 - Flagstones

29 May 2013 99
The flagstone floor of one of the granaries showing the underfloor space which allowed air to circulate, helping to keep the foodstuffs cool and dry. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 4 - Granaries

29 May 2013 105
The two granaries at Corbridge. These have stone floors. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland. September 2007.

Corbridge 3 - Columns2

29 May 2013 118
The change in road level through the centuries is illustrated in this picture. The columns are standing on the 1st century level. The level of the road in the picture is 4th century. The columns supported the portico of the granaries which can be seen on the left. The road is the Stanegate (Roman road, Anglo-Saxon name) which ran from the northeast of England to Carlisle. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 2 - Gulley

29 May 2013 108
Gulley running alongside the main street (Stanegate) through Roman Corbridge (Corstopitum or Coriosopitum). Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.

Corbridge 1 - Stanegate

29 May 2013 111
The main street through Roman Corbridge, the Stanegate (not a Roman name!) connected the northeast of England to Carlisle. Built before Hadrian's Wall. Corbridge Roman Town, Northumberland.