Penny Richards' photos with the keyword: snail

Crocheted Snail Eyestalks Hat

26 Sep 2009 367
Part of a Halloween costume in progress. No pattern for these (imagine that), just made a fairly basic cap and added closed tubes that flared a little at the base. Now to work on the shell (not crocheting that).

The Garden and the Snail

30 Oct 2009 369
I wasn't really planning matching costumes, but I guess they coordinate by theme. Crocheted by me, freeform (as if that's not abundantly clear). Except that the main section of the back is knitted by a friend, many years ago--she gave me a box of old wool and unfinished knitting, and I used this piece in my costume. Thanks Kathie!

Snail Costume

07 Oct 2009 1303
All homemade, no purchases required--the hat is crocheted from stash yarn; the shell is a roll of foam rubber, spraypainted and held together with duct tape; strapped on using some old AFO velcro straps. Costume was inspired by the snail character in the "Frog and Toad" books by Arnold Lobel. Todo hecho en casa, ninguna compra necesaria - el sombrero es de punto, la concha es un rollo de goma espuma, y se mantienen unidos con cinta adhesiva; atado con correas de velcro. Traje se inspiró en el personaje de caracol en la Rana "y el Sapo" libros de Arnold Lobel. This photo appeared in the Knithacker blog, 1/22/11: This costume was one of ten finalists in the Heidi Klum/ "Little Pumpkins" creative costume challenge 2011.