John Oram's photos with the keyword: NATS

Radar Reference Facility - 3 August 2021

03 Aug 2021 1 100
The NATS Radar Reference Facility (RRF) at Solent Airport (Daedalus) was installed by Raytheon and completed in July 2021. Initially, only the tower, cabins and turning gear were in place. The primary and secondary aerials were added in July 2021. The RRF is used for training and software testing. TZ70_2_P1000476CE

Swanwick Lakes Nature Reserve (reprise) - 18 March…

18 Mar 2014 141
The Swanwick Lakes Nature Reserve has been open for about 20 years but this sign appeared only in June 2013. The reserve is a collaboration between Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and NATS, the operator of the adjacent air traffic control centre. When NATS acquired its site in 1991, the provision of such a reserve was amongst its environmental undertakings. Now a very popular local attraction for both leisure and education, the reserve is open to the public for long hours and offers several beautiful walks. When the sign was erected, the barrier line, especially when down, was in line of sight of the new sign and only a little contortion produced my picture of 19 June 2013. In February 2014 the barrier was moved so that it rests when closed behind the line of the sign thus no longer obstructing what is an attractive structure. 200_P1010837