John Oram's photos with the keyword: Nice Ville

31 Ans Plus Tard - 10 Septembre 2013

10 Sep 2013 171
I am often shocked when I look back at the passage of time which has seemed to quick. It is nearly 31 years exactly since I took a photograph of an SNCF locomotive from a similar spot at Nice Ville. That was in the back of my mind as I stood on the platform today but I was still surprised at exactly how long ago it was. Today, France was in the grip of (another) national strike but SNCF had guaranteed a modified service. This is in fact the trailing power car of a combined TGV service 2930/6176 for Paris Gare de Lyon scheduled for 1134. It eventually left at 1143. X20_DSCF2148

N'oublions Jamais - 10 Septembre 2013

10 Sep 2013 1 156
N'oublions Jamais - Let Us Never Forget This is undoubtedly the single most important photograph I have taken on this holiday and I am spending a lot of time on the text to bring to all the details of the inscription, the message of horror it conveys and the exhortation to 'never forget'. I am privileged that my French extends to passable translation (my own) but more than privileged to live in a Europe from which these dark clouds have passed. This simple but moving memorial is affixed to a wall of platform A of Nice Ville station. There are two plaques: ___________________________________________________________________________ En Haut/Upper La République française en hommage aux victimes des persécutions racistes et antisémites et des crimes contre l'humanité commis sous l'autorité de fait dite "Gouvernement de l'Etat français" (1940-1944) N'oublions jamais The Republic of France in recognition of the victims of racist and anti-semitic persecution and of crimes against humanity committed by authority of the self-styled "Government of the French state" (1940-1944) Let us never forget ___________________________________________________________________________ En Bas/Lower Le 31 AOUT 1942, 554 JUIFS, DONT UNE VINGTAINE D'ENFANTS, HABITANT LES ALPES.MARITIMES, LES BASSES.ALPES ET MONACO, ARRETE SUR ORDRE DU GOUVERNEMENT DU VICHY FURENT LIVRES A LA GESTAPO APRES AVOIR ETE REGROUPES A LA CASERNE AUVARE: UN TRAIN LES A EMMENES A LA GARE SAINT.ROCH AU CAMP DE DRANCY EN ZONE OCCUPEE, D'OU ILS FURENT DEPORTES VERS AUSCHWITZ. DU 10 SEPTEMBRE 1943 AU 30 JUILLET 1944, PLUS DE 3000 JUIFS, DONT ENVIRON 300 ENFANTS, ONT ETES ARRETES PAR LA GESTAPO DANS LES ALPES.MARITIMES, LES BASSES ALPES ET MONACO ET DEPORTES VERS AUSCHWITZ APRES AVOIR ETE TRANSFERES DE LA GARE CENTRALE DE NICE AU CAMP DE DRANCY. PRESQUE TOUS LES DEPORTES ONT ETE ASSASSINES: MOINS DE 3% D'ENTRE EUX ONT SURVECU. ON THE 31st AUGUST 1942, 554 JEWS, INCLUDING TWENTY CHILDREN, LIVING IN ALPES-MARITIMES, BASSES-ALPES AND MONACO, ARRESTED ON THE ORDERS OF THE VICHY GOVERNMENT WERE DELIVERED TO THE GESTAPO AFTER HAVING BEEN COLLECTED TOGETHER AT THE AUVARE BARRACKS. A TRAIN TOOK THEM TO SAINT ROCH STATION AT DRANCY CAMP IN THE OCCUPIED ZONE FROM WHERE THEY WERE DEPORTED TO AUSCHWITZ. BETWEEN 10 SEPTEMBER 1943 AND 30 JULY 1944, MORE THAN 3000 JEWS INCLUDING AROUND 300 CHILDREN WERE ARRESTED BY THE GESTAPO IN ALPES-MARITIMES, BASSES ALPES AND MONACO AND DEPORTED TO AUSCHWITZ AFTER BEING TRANSFERRED FROM NICE CENTRAL STATION TO DRANCY CAMP. ALMOST ALL THOSE DEPORTED WERE MURDERED: FEWER THAN 3% SURVIVED. ___________________________________________________________________________ Any errors in the transcription from the photograph or inadequacies in translation are mine and invite correction. X20_DSCF2160