William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Breaking Rules

Digits: 2023

01 Jan 2023 64 54 498
Larchmont, NY Note: Digital Art created from a photograph of a push button padlock. I wish everyone on the Ipernity Team, every member and every participant on Ipernity and their friends and families a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful 2023.

Valentine's Day Derivative

15 Feb 2021 61 60 478
Created from photos taken in Greenwich, CT, Larchmont, NY, New Rochelle, NY and Jacksonville, FL. from 9 July 2019-15 December 2019.


20 Oct 2020 70 62 570
Mamaroneck, NY Note: The soft colors represent harmony between technology – most notably Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humanity with the hope that technology improves standards of living through economic innovation, advancements in healthcare and solutions for climate change. The soft oranges and reds represent hope for a kinder, gentler and more loving world where people respect diversity in all its forms and put aside weapons of war and the primitive mindset that courage and valor are uniquely and solely synonymous with combat and warfare when in fact courage and valor are also synonymous with conscientious objection and the refusal to take up arms to preserve peace and the very trait that ought to differentiate intelligent forms of life, "human," in this instance from all other forms – acts too that entail great risk and sacrifice, often resulting in loss of property and quality of life through persecution and refugee status, loss of freedom through unjust imprisonment, loss of reputation through slanderous attacks and even loss of life itself through unconscionable acts of violence and "executions." The abstract patterns represent the unlimited possibilities of our dreams while the linear patterns represent software coding and innovation that bring technological advancement and scientific discovery to fruition. This work of art was created using a few simple discarded items – wooden boards, insulator, bolts, a hydraulic spacer ring, and torn rubber spacer ring.


09 Aug 2020 72 65 620
Mamaroneck, NY Note: This abstract was created using discarded garbage and litter consisting of plastic debris, a rubber spacer ring, red foam heart, broken tiles and lima beans. When I created this work, I intended to break numerous rules, starting with the title Cela , inscribed on one of the broken tiles, which is derived from the French contraction Ce + là , which means “That.” In this case “That” is 1 John 4:8 and 16 – “God is Love.” Accordingly, the heart that represents God’s unconditional, unfailing and unending love based on Psalm 136:26: “Give thanks to God… for His steadfast love endures forever” was converted into a colorless heart because in reality His sacred heart is immaculate and pure and untarnished by even the slightest ill, evil and negativity, the black spacer ring that represents light and eternity maintained its color despite conventional views since black too as does every color, connotes brightness and goodness. The cross represents God’s great sacrifice that broke the chains of death while the widespread red represents God’s passion and love exhibited so clearly when He gave his life for each and every one of us and the power of the Holy Spirit that guides, inspires, purifies and sustains our existence – “And there appeared to them tongues as of fire…” [Acts 2:3] “to purify…” [Titus 2:14] and , based on Psalm 51:10 “create in [each of us] a clean heart." The faint wavy flows symbolize rebirth to eternity based on John 3:5 “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” All of us are body (75% of water) and soul! The lima beans represent seeds of faith based on the parable found in Luke 17:5-6: “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea’ and it will obey you” while the simplicity proclaims the words of Matthew 11:30 – “ [M] y yoke is easy and M y burden is light.” Finally, the face represents the blissful attainment of eternal life in the presence of God captured by Psalm 16:11: “In Your presence is fullness of joy.”


14 Jul 2020 64 45 604
Mamaroneck, NY Created from the inside of a discarded dryer. The pulley wheel at the top represents COVID-19. The black areas represent the darkness of the pandemic and mourning. The gray splotches represent uncertainty complemented by the abstract linear patterns that represent the many unexpected turns in life. The soft pastel pinks and yellows represent the light of a new dawn just before the sun rises above the horizon since we still await this sunrise when the pandemic recedes. The earthen tones represent life and recovery for through it all we will persevere and LIVE! The vibrant reds represent love, fortitude and renewal for through love and the fact we are “human strong” we shall overcome. The face represents the day our “sorrow will be turned to joy” [John 16:20] and the pandemic is nothing more than a distant memory.

Graffiti: Unfiltered