William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Artificial Intelligence

All Saints Day 2023

01 Nov 2023 48 44 320
Collage created by Craiyon AI art generator / digitally edited in Smart Photo Editor . _______________ Sanctity is the Light of the World, The reflection of God Who dwells within it. It is virtue, holiness and love. It is patient and compassionate – unstained by evil and violence. It is the inspiration and hope of all who desire the " holy place [of God]" [Psalm 24:1] with " robes... [washed] white in the blood of the Lamb. " [Revelation 7:14] _______________ Sadly today's world that immerses itself in bloodshed, violence and unimaginable acts of evil doesn't recognize the virtues of sanctity because " it cannot accept [H] im (God) ... [and] neither sees [H] im nor knows [H] im. [John 14:17] May the world accept God, discover His love and one day "[t] urn from evil... do good; seek peace... " [Psalm 34:14] and "[m] ake every effort... to be holy. [Hebrews 12:14]

Halloween Diptych 2023

27 Oct 2023 48 36 349
Created by Dall-E 2, IMG2GO and digitally edited in Smart Photo Editor The image on the left depicts a traditional Halloween scene with ghosts, Jack O'Lanterns, and scary looking trees. The image on the right depicts an even scarier scene of terrified children with the planet Earth screaming above while on fire with darkened oceans because of all the spilled blood. This is so because of accelerating climate change featuring record global warmth during human existence, fires, floods and other natural disasters and because of the pitiful state of our affairs featuring wars, violence, depravity and other evils.