William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Cleveland Museum of Art

Ancient Egyptian Glory

23 Apr 2023 53 34 347
Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio left: Seated Pair , about 1479-1425 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Hatshepsut/Tuthmosis III. left center top: Relief of Hatshepsut or Tuthmosis III, about 1479-1425 BCE; Reign of Hatshepsut/Tuthmosis III. left center bottom: Statuette of a Lion , about 380-246 BCE, Limestone. right center: Ostracon: Ramesses II Suckled by a Goddess , about 1279-1213 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Ramesses II. right: Head of King Userkaf , about 2454-2447 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Userkaf.

Faces of the Past

12 Apr 2023 57 39 355
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio left: Funerary Portrait of a Man , about AD 138-192; Encaustic on linen, Roman Empire (Antonine) center: Funerary Portrait of a Young Girl , about AD 25-37; Encaustic on wood, Roman Empire (late Tiberian) right: Funerary Portrait of a Woman , about AD 138-192; Encaustic on linen, Roman Empire (Antonine)

Good Friday Collage

07 Apr 2023 32 26 317
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio (l.) The Crucifixion , about 1730. Porcelain; ebonized wood cross with gilt-bronze mounts. Du Paquier Porcelain Manufactory (Austria); (r.) Vesperbild (Pietà) , 1515-20. Lindenwood, polychromed and gilded. Master of Rabenden (Upper Bavaria, Germany)

Windows to Heaven

02 Apr 2023 35 30 301
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland,Ohio (left): Icon of the Mother of God and Infant Christ , c. 1425-50, Tempera and gold on wood by Angelos Akotantos (1390-1457), Greece; (right): Icon of the New Testament Trinity , c. 1450, Tempera and gold on poplar wood, Constantinople, Byzantine. “…[I]cons speak to us of reality transformed and transfigured, both in and through God’s presence. They speak of transcendence and mystery… [and] point to a reality that we have never seen with our own eyes. …[I]cons, represent our limited attempts to speak of the unspeakable.” – Peter Pearson (born 1957), American Iconographer

African Art

29 Mar 2023 43 34 317
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio Top left to right: Ancestral Commemorative Head (uhunmwun-elao) , c. 1550-early 1600s, West Africa – Nigeria/Benin Kingdom; Mask , early 1900s (before 1933-37), West Africa – Liberia; Dance Staff for Èsù (Ògo Èlégba) , 1800s, West Africa – Nigeria Bottom: Antelope Headdress (chi wara) , Early to mid-1900s, West Africa – Mali