William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Gloom

Ash Wednesday Gloom and Hope

26 Feb 2020 87 260 1211
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, NY “ [T] here is a… great silence, and stillness” and fear “over the earth” [1] on this Ash Wednesday as we are reminded – “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” [Genesis 3:19] It is 1347 again. COVID-19 is the Black Death of 2020. Though the number of afflicted rises, Medieval lock downs are expanded, isolation threatens social bonds and peoples worldwide are urged to prepare for an uncertain future with significant disruptions in life, gloom cannot extinguish hope for God has “posted [angels] to guard you” [2] and “will take away from thee all sickness” [Deuteronomy 7:15] with the promise, “I [W] ho am life… I [M] yself am united to you.” [3] We , humankind will get through this! ___________ [1], [2], and [3] From an Ancient Homily for Holy Saturday. 26 February 2020. www.vatican.va/spirit/documents/spirit_20010414_omelia-sabato-santo_en.html