William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Black

Urban Love


07 Aug 2022 42 30 413
Mamaroneck, NY God created… all from the same organic dust… [1] All souls are alike... None is superior or inferior. [2] [T]he seeds of the kingdom are planted in both female and male… [I]n the kingdom there is no difference… [3] All [are] sisters and brothers… reaching out to a common… destiny… [4] And He gave you… the diversity of your tongues and colors. What should it matter that one bowl is dark and the other pale, if each is of good design and serves its purpose well... [5] Heaven covers all without partiality; earth sustains and embraces without partiality; the sun and the moon shine upon all without partiality. [6] _____________ [1] Bahai’ism. [2] Jainism: Mahavira Vardhamana (599-527 BCE): Thus Spake Lord Mahavir: Excerpts from the Sacred Books of Jainism. Jainism Literature Center. 21 July 2013. [3] The “Luminous” Religion (practiced in China from c. 635-1399 CE before being stamped out by oppression and persecution in mid-to-late 14th century CE). [4] Cao Daoism: Emiel Van Den Boomen. Mesmerizing Vietnam – Fusion in religion. 3 July 2011. www.actoftraveling.com/2011/07/mesmerizing-about-vietnam-fusion-in-religion and Basic Catechism of Caodaism. 8 March 2012. en.nhipcautamgiao.net/news/136-basic-catechism-of-caodaism-1.html [5] North American Indian: Polingaysi Qoyawayma, Hopi. [6] Confucianism. Note: human was created from garbage and litter consisting primarily of discarded plastic from an air conditioner, broken yellow plastic pieces, red and white plastic bolts, a discarded piece of wood, copper piece, broken light bulb and piece of a discarded cardboard box. The colors and shades of black, brown, red, white, and yellow represent the races that comprise the diverse fabric of humanity. Each color is indispensable and integral without which there would be an unbridgeable loss of beauty. The pixellation represents the fragility of life and the smile face represents joy when all peoples of every ethnic background, gender and religion of the one human race live in peace and harmony.


04 Jun 2021 54 35 502
Larchmont, NY Created using three discarded items – a rubber spacer ring, torn piece from a cardboard box, and discarded plastic sack and three colors – white, black and sepia to promote simplicity and minimalism. At the same time, despite the large minimalist swath, this image also consists of veins and pockets of maximalism, most notably sections that depict the textured pattern of the discarded plastic sack while retaining its minimalist nature to defy conventional order. The torn card board displays the name of this creation while the spacer ring represents timeless eternity, infinity and perfect that only a 360° circle can do justice. The smiling face represents the joy that can be found in simplicity and minimalism that consists of pristine, uncluttered space.

Dark Winter

28 Feb 2021 59 55 490
Mamaroneck, NY Note: Created to represent the dark winter of 2020-21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has led to record hospitalizations, numerous shutdowns, and most tragically of all – 1.05 million deaths worldwide and 248,000 deaths in the USA from 1 December 2020-27 February 2021 alone, figures that don't account for excess deaths related to COVID-19. This digital work of art was created using pandemic-related garbage (a discarded face mask and rubber glove) as well as various other pieces of garbage found over the last month that was placed over the darkest and dirtiest of snow I could find – so black in some places one wouldn’t recognize it as snow. The abundance of black and gray represents the darkness of this winter and the collective mourning the pandemic has brought. The white snowflake and splotch of white snow in the upper right corner represent hope, the flower symbolizes remembrance of all who lost their lives during this pandemic and the splash of reds serve a duo purpose. They both represent "toxic" snow since COVID-19 is clearly toxic to our well being, as well as health and life for we will overcome, we will prevail, and we will LIVE! COVID-19 Stats - Worldometers: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

Valentine's Day Derivative

15 Feb 2021 61 60 478
Created from photos taken in Greenwich, CT, Larchmont, NY, New Rochelle, NY and Jacksonville, FL. from 9 July 2019-15 December 2019.

Broken Vinyl

01 May 2018 94 121 1354
Mamaroneck, NY Note: I deliberately used "white space" to go against conformity and chose the colors to project warmth. I also bled the colors from the center of the broken lp so the mind could complete the circle that is missing the right edge.

Garbage Abstract

Happy Friday the 13th!

13 Oct 2017 88 89 1577
Created using free, public domain clip art and effects from Smart Photo Editor.