William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Ohio


01 May 2023 55 36 384
Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio Top left: Life-sized mounted Knight in Armor ; Top right: War hat or Kettle hat , circa 1475-1500; Bottom left: Sword and Riveted Steel Male Shirt , circa 1400s; Bottom right: Portrait of a Woman by Corneille de Lyon (1500-1575), about 1540, Oil on Wood Note: To the medieval mind, which gave deep spiritual meaning to everyday objects, the sword was viewed as the noblest of weapons since its shape symbolized the cross on which Christ died. [Display Placard, Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio]

Ancient Egyptian Glory

23 Apr 2023 53 34 347
Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio left: Seated Pair , about 1479-1425 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Hatshepsut/Tuthmosis III. left center top: Relief of Hatshepsut or Tuthmosis III, about 1479-1425 BCE; Reign of Hatshepsut/Tuthmosis III. left center bottom: Statuette of a Lion , about 380-246 BCE, Limestone. right center: Ostracon: Ramesses II Suckled by a Goddess , about 1279-1213 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Ramesses II. right: Head of King Userkaf , about 2454-2447 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Userkaf.

Window Paintings

19 Apr 2023 49 32 361
Abandoned Building, E. 4th Street, Cleveland, Ohio Lonely and abandoned, In the twilight of its life, The shuttered building stands, Its thriving past a faded memory. Yet it dares hope with painted vibrance for an extended lifeline; and for as long as it stands, It dreams of rebirth and renewal. © 2023 – William Sutherland

Faces of the Past

12 Apr 2023 57 39 355
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio left: Funerary Portrait of a Man , about AD 138-192; Encaustic on linen, Roman Empire (Antonine) center: Funerary Portrait of a Young Girl , about AD 25-37; Encaustic on wood, Roman Empire (late Tiberian) right: Funerary Portrait of a Woman , about AD 138-192; Encaustic on linen, Roman Empire (Antonine)

Good Friday Collage

07 Apr 2023 32 26 317
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio (l.) The Crucifixion , about 1730. Porcelain; ebonized wood cross with gilt-bronze mounts. Du Paquier Porcelain Manufactory (Austria); (r.) Vesperbild (Pietà) , 1515-20. Lindenwood, polychromed and gilded. Master of Rabenden (Upper Bavaria, Germany)

Windows to Heaven

02 Apr 2023 35 30 301
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland,Ohio (left): Icon of the Mother of God and Infant Christ , c. 1425-50, Tempera and gold on wood by Angelos Akotantos (1390-1457), Greece; (right): Icon of the New Testament Trinity , c. 1450, Tempera and gold on poplar wood, Constantinople, Byzantine. “…[I]cons speak to us of reality transformed and transfigured, both in and through God’s presence. They speak of transcendence and mystery… [and] point to a reality that we have never seen with our own eyes. …[I]cons, represent our limited attempts to speak of the unspeakable.” – Peter Pearson (born 1957), American Iconographer

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

26 Mar 2023 44 31 343
Cleveland, Ohio (left photos taken 23 March 2023; right photo taken 24 March 2023) Note: The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's building was completed in 1923. It was designed by that city's architecture firm – Walker and Weeks . The allegorical statues in front of the main entrance representing security and integrity were created by Henry Hering. The building imitates Italian Renaissance Palazzo style.