William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Green

Eco Collage

24 Jul 2022 40 36 417
Eco Collage was created from various garbage and litter consisting of broken glass, a plastic spacer ring, and a piece of a light bulb. The green colors were added to represent a vibrant, lush “Eden-like” earth when people and ecosystems live in harmony. It is disheartening that as the planet burns with scorching heat, massive wild fires and unquenchable drought, humanity remains oblivious to the existential threat that approaches. This collage also consists of various shapes and forms to represent how every nation and its peoples seamlessly fit together and thus must work together to address climate change through consistent policy and fiscal investments regardless of so-called socio-economic status – developed or third world – especially since both the former and latter share the same planet. While the development of the hydrogen economy is likely a decade or more away, there are solutions for today – nuclear energy with mini reactors (in the 21st century in the United States, 21 people have died in nuclear accidents, predominantly from falls and electrocution [1] versus the 892 from coal mining accidents [2] and the more than 1500 figure for oil and gas extraction [3] ; so regarding safety you be the judge!), the expansion of wind, solar and geothermal energy usage, the planting of trees, preservation of rainforests, the reintroduction of indigenous flora, the banning of pesticides that continue to exterminate crucial pollinators (bees and butterflies) and the shuttering of coal-fired plants that are not retrofitted to use the necessary filters for “clean coal.” At the same time hard deadlines no later than 2040 must be established for the end of fossil fuel use to promote the necessary investment and research and development for 100% clean energy use. Bottom line: If the world continues to dither, then the prophesy of the 1500 CE triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights by Dutch master painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) will come true and we will be left with a scorched, charred planet. :( smarthistory.org/garden-bosch If people come together and work together, then we will continue to have a green planet with ecosystems that thrive and humanity will be spared. :) [1] Zakaria Hsain, Alissa Johnson, Erin K. Reagan. Nuclear Energy Meets Climate Change. Kleinman Center for Energy Policy. 5 October 2021. kleinmanenergy.upenn.edu/research/publications/nuclear-energy-meets-climate-change [2] The U.S. Department of Labor – arlweb.msha.gov/stats/centurystats/coalstats.asp and Statistica – www.statista.com/statistics/541314/mining-fatalities-in-the-united-states [3] Fareed Zakaria. In tackling climate change, don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. The Washington Post. 21 July 2022. www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/21/practical-steps-fighting-climate-change-heat-wave-nuclear-gas-coal


08 Mar 2021 60 58 514
Mamaroneck, NY Green is the color of chlorophyll, a key compound in the vast majority of plants. It is synonymous with positive terms such as clean, renewable and most importantly life including our lives. Without plants there would be no photosynthesis and little to no Oxygen. This fact has just been reinforced by a recent scientific study that indicates a billion years from now the Earth’s atmosphere will contain very little Oxygen as the sun ages and consequently becomes hotter. Because of this, the Earth’s CO2 (Carbon dioxide) levels will plunge as it absorbs the increased heat and breaks down. Photosynthesizing organisms (plants) will become extinct, reducing Oxygen levels by a million times while methane levels will soar by 10,000 fold. As a result complex life, including humans will become extinct leaving the planet in its dying days to anaerobic microbial life. Worse yet, when the process begins, it will unfold quickly over a 10,000 year period bringing the Earth back to its pre Oxidation period some 2.4 billion years ago. Thus, it is more important than ever to protect address climate change and protect our intricate and interconnected ecosystems to ensure this inevitable tragedy is not hastened. And if we can establish ecological harmony, prolong the planet’s life and extend our existence, we can buy time until technological advances allow us to create artificial biospheres to generate and maintain Oxygen and CO2 levels to ensure our survival and that of every complex aerobic life form or at least persevere until the very and inevitable end. If we can avoid prematurely hastening our extinction because of irresponsible actions and policy, we will have reason to smile. Perhaps then, the scary will not be so frightening! :) Because of this, I selected green and yellow colors to emphasize the importance of plant life, renewable clean energy, and our dependence on the Earth’s ecosystems that must be sustained for complex aerobic life like ours to continue. The pastel blues and dark purple represent clean water, also an essential ingredient for the continuity of life. The large red dot, which is intended to draw attention, represents future danger from continued unsustainable adverse climate change and the aging sun. While we cannot control the latter, we can have a positive impact on the former our planet and life do not have a premature end. Article Link: phys.org/news/2021-03-simulations-earth-oxygen-rich-atmosphere-billion.html

Green-Spotted Triangle Butterfly

11 Sep 2019 100 90 1061
Butterfly Conservatory, Niagara, Ontario, Canada Note: The Green-Spotted Triangle Butterfly ( Graphium agamemnon ) is a common species of butterfly native to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and much of southeast Asia as well as Australia. I uploaded this photograph since green is so relevant on 9/11 since it symbolizes life and renewal. America certainly needs renewal at this time as society is torn apart. Article: Post 9/11 Requiem? www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727366

Emerald Abstract