William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: New Dawn

A New Dawn

09 Apr 2023 41 31 315
Created with Dall-e 2® and Smart Photo Editor® . And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. [A]n innumerable multitude of angels cr[ied] out… saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among [people] of goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery… And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder… [a]nd there were seen… [the] dead raised up… And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God… saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death. The Report of Pontius Pilate/Letter to Tiberius Early on the first day of the week… Mary of Magdala went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance… Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white… They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” John 20:1, 11-13 [An] angel said… “Do not be afraid... He is not here; he has risen, just as he said!” Matthew 28:5-6

A Conflicted Day

24 Nov 2022 67 45 512
Created from DALL·E 2 – Open AI and Smart Photo Editor . As millions of Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on this conflicted day, it is important to remember this is a day of mourning for the indigenous peoples of the USA especially since “thanksgivings” were repeatedly offered to celebrate acts of genocide and murder committed against Native American peoples. There can be no joy until the 415-year occupation, though realistically irreversible, is addressed. At a minimum Native American nations (575 at least – if the Eastern Pequots are given their due recognition) should be granted autonomy over their lands and some form of reparations consisting of land awards and financial compensation are given for their suffering to ensure self-sufficiency. The same holds true with regard to reparations for African-Americans because of the disgusting stain of slavery and racism, the latter that remains endemic in our 21st century society. The soft pastel colors represent a new dawn with the soft red symbolizing life, the abundance of lines represent natural phenomena, water and the Native American connection with the spiritual world. The two circles represent the sun (a symbol of life giving warmth, healing and peace) and the moon (a guide and protector). The silhouetted tepees represent Native American peoples and nations. Therefore, as Americans celebrate Thanksgiving – we should be mindful of the sadness of Native Americans, take a moment to mourn and pray for their ancestors who were slaughtered, yearn for the day the 415-year occupation is addressed, and give thanks that in spite of the evils of the past, Native Americans are STILL HERE and LIVE along with our traditional gratitude for family, friends and health and for those who believe regardless of faith – to God for His abundance of blessings.