Stephen M.'s photos with the keyword: bird

Red backed Shrike - Lanius collurio

22 May 2024 37
An adult male Red-backed Shrike along the Crooked Lonnen on Holy Island. This bird was part of a large influx into eastern Britain, with a total of eight noted on Holy Island and up to 20 birds noted at several sites in Shetland. PIP #1: A second bird found along the Crooked Lonnen track.

Swallow - Hirundo rustica

22 May 2024 42
A Swallow allowing close approach near the lake on Holy Island.

Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe

06 May 2024 46
A summer-plumaged Wheatear posing nicely at the Shotton Pools.

Tawny Owl - Strix aluco

04 May 2024 1 2 60
It is not every day you have such good views of an owl! Hearing an unfamiliar call in a woodland, I went to investigate and eventually tracked it down to this Tawny Owl alarm calling at something on the ground. As Tawny Owls are known for being quite aggressive during the breeding season, I did not want to get much closer than this and so the source of the alarm will remain a mystery.

Black-headed Gull - Chroicocephalus ridibundus

05 Mar 2024 54
A very friendly and approachable Black-headed Gull on the footbridge over the channel connecting the Roswell Pits nature reserve to the river Great Ouse.

Bearded Tit - Panurus biarmicus

05 Mar 2024 3 3 77
A male Bearded Tit foraging in reeds at Lakenheath Fen. The species is quite common in the vast reedbeds at the site, but getting views as good as this is more unusual.

Goldeneye - Bucephala clangula

06 Feb 2024 56
A drake Goldeneye in blustery conditions on the south basin of Staines reservoir. PIP #1: Another view of the Goldeneye.

Herring Gull - Larus argentatus

06 Feb 2024 39
A first-winter Herring Gull having a swim in the Staines reservoirs.

Mullaghmore Lake

19 Oct 2023 46
The smaller of the two lakes at Mullaghmore in northern Sligo. The lakes are an important migration stop-off point for Whooper Swans breeding in Iceland and wintering in Ireland. Several hundred can be found here in spring and autumn, with significantly fewer during winter.

Mute Swan - Cygnus olor

18 Oct 2023 53
One of the pair of Mute Swans on Doon Lough.

Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo

28 Sep 2023 46
Almost a perfect mirror image of each other - two Cormorants roosting on a marker by Roker marina.

Yellow-browed Warbler - Phylloscopus inornatus

29 May 2023 39
On the fence? A Yellow-browed Warbler near Stonybreck on Fair Isle.

Yellow-browed Warbler - Phylloscopus inornatus

29 May 2023 41
A Yellow-browed Warbler looking for insects in some vegetation near Stonybreck on Fair Isle. PIP #1: Another view of the same bird.

Yellow-browed Warbler - Phylloscopus inornatus

29 May 2023 43
An unusual view of a Yellow-browed Warbler feeding on the ground. Normally they will hurriedly look for insects in scrub and trees. This particular bird was quite approachable by an abandoned farm house in Pund on Fair Isle. PIP #1: Another view of the same bird.

Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus

25 May 2023 61
A juvenile Cuckoo begging for food from its parents, a pair of Reed Warblers. The juvenile would frequently peck the head of the adult feeding it, for some unknown reason. Not so obvious in this video, but the size difference between the Cuckoo and the Reed Warblers was fascinating to see.

Black necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)

31 Jan 2023 56
A Black-necked Grebe in winter plumage on the lake in Holkham Hall. PIP #1: Another view of the same bird.

Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)

05 Jan 2023 57
Adult Jackdaw at Boldon Flats nature reserve.

Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)

04 Jan 2023 2 55
A Sparrowhawk, possibly a young male, surveying the surrounding gardens for possible prey. It had tried to take a Woodpigeon a few seconds earlier, but without success.

24 items in total