Stefan's photos with the keyword: Railway

Firth Of Forth

11 Feb 2021 8 2 112
Der Firth of Forth ist die Mündung des Flusses Forth in die Nordsee an der Ostküste von Schottland. Im Foto zu sehen ist die rote Eisenbahnbrücke, die Firth of Forth Railway Bridge, die über den Fjord ("firth") führt. Das Bild entstand während einer Bootstour vom Wasser aus.


18 Jan 2021 1 87
This signal is located at the cycle path "Sauerland Radring - Nordschleife" near Berge, a village belonging to the town of Meschede in Germany. The cycle path is a former railway line, already closed in the 1960's. Therefor there are several railway remnants like this signal, railway traffic signs and so on. Because of the low gradient of the former railway line, this cycle path is very popular although it is located in a middle mountain area in Northrine-Westpahlia. This photo is black and white because of the time of origin of this railroad technical facility.