Stefan's photos with the keyword: red

Firth Of Forth

11 Feb 2021 8 2 112
Der Firth of Forth ist die Mündung des Flusses Forth in die Nordsee an der Ostküste von Schottland. Im Foto zu sehen ist die rote Eisenbahnbrücke, die Firth of Forth Railway Bridge, die über den Fjord ("firth") führt. Das Bild entstand während einer Bootstour vom Wasser aus.

Hamburger Hafen

17 Jan 2021 8 6 143
The photo was taken on board a boat during a cruise in the port of Hamburg. The trip began at dusk and lasted until after sunset. While the sun was setting, the lights went on gradually in the port and the city. All in all, an impressive experience, during which, among other things, this shot of the cranes and the wind turbine was taken. Hamburg is always worth a trip.