Robert Swanson's photos with the keyword: monochrome

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone

26 May 2024 30 14 311
A different view from the previous. This was taken in September (no crowds, but iffy weather) right after a snowstorm. I used the L-Monochrome setting on the Panasonic GX85 (intended to match the rich monochrome style of the Leica). Image processed with GIMP.

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone

26 May 2024 18 6 379
The weather was very dramatic when we visited Yellowstone in September. The best part was that the crowds had left. This is a view of Mammoth Hot Springs, taken with the Panasonic GX85 in "L-Monochrome" mode (intended to reproduce the Leica black and white experience). Square and monochrome, for the Sunday Challenge. Image processed with GIMP.

Rio in the Fog (H.A.N.W.E.)

07 Sep 2023 29 4 282
We've visited Rio de Janeiro a couple of times. It is't uncommon to have misty conditions with fog. This was taken from our ship, as we arrived in foggy conditions. The Sugar Loaf mountain is clearly poking out of the mist. The original was color, but a conversion to monochrome and editing with GIMP looks better to me.

Hillside Near Kotor, Montenegro (BW)

21 May 2023 30 12 300
Looking for composition, found the big X in the hillsides. The scenery of Montenegro is spectacular. Image processed with GIMP.

Central Station, Sydney (HBM)

02 Jan 2023 21 7 446
Soon after I bought the new Panasonic GX85 in Sydney, I spent some time trying out the various settings. One such setting is called "L-Monochrome", which is a Leica-inspired monochrome palette. Anyway, Happy Bench Monday! And Happy New Year, all! image processed with GIMP.

Arc and Building

26 Sep 2020 17 7 486
The "Arc" is a public art project in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The "arc" spans the river, but is not complete at the top, so it is not an "arch". This is my submission to the Sunday Challenge (art work). Image converted to monochrome and processed with GIMP.

Allure of the Seas (BW)

23 Aug 2020 20 11 635
During our December 2019 cruise, we stopped at Costa Maya, Mexico. While we perhaps thought that our cruise ship was large, the "Allure of the Seas" is a monster. Looked better in monochrome, so I used GIMP to make the changes. (Does look better on a black background) See: and

'Dinosaur' Tree (BW)

15 May 2020 27 7 702
Taken at the Wahiawa Botanical Garden on Oah'u during our 2007 long weekend visit. These trees were quite impressive, with their trunks looking like the thighs of dinosaurs. The image seemed to look better to me in monochrome. Taken with the Nikon D50 and processed with GIMP and UFRaw. For more photos, see:

Bamboo Forest (BW)

15 May 2020 4 466
We took a long weekend and flew from Maui to Honolulu. One of the photo opportunities we took was a visit to a bamboo forest at the Wahiawa Botanical Garden on Oah'u. While swatting mosquitoes, we got some good photos. This looks OK in color, but I like it more, after converting to monochrome. Taken in 2007 using the Nikon D50. Image processed with UFRaw and GIMP. For more photos, see:

Machine (BW)

13 Feb 2020 15 6 684
The gears of a machine at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia. It is a steam-powered printing press. This is a "tool", indeed a very important one in the history of the world. While the original hand-operated presses appeared in mid-1400's, the effect of the printing press is still being felt today in 2023. The historical researcher Elizabeth Eisenstein makes the point that society is still trying to deal with the impact of this invention. The original photo is in color, but I kinda liked the converted image. The conversion was done with GIMP. The photo was taken with the Panasonic GX85.