Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: ASColor 200

View from Beer Garden, Picture 3 Edit, Letna, Prag…

14 Jul 2010 361
Turning further to the southwest, the Ministerstvo průmyslu becomes visible again, this time on the left, in addition to Tynsky Chram, which is just visible in the distance in the Stare Mesto.

View from Beer Garden, Picture 2, Letna, Prague, C…

14 Jul 2010 386
Here, from a different angle, it's possible to see Zizkov and the Zizkovska televizni vez, or Zizkov Television Tower, the tallest structure in Prague.

View from Beer Garden, Letna, Prague, CZ, 2010

14 Jul 2010 316
Letna is a surprisingly short walk from NOD, so I walked across the river and up the hill, into the beer garden. I wanted to hang out there, but changed my mind and continued looking for photo opportunities, getting this somewhat gloomy shot of Stefanikuv Most and the Ministerstvo průmyslu (Ministry of Industry). It was actually a sunny day, but the sun was behind a cloud when I took this.

Scene on Dlouha, Picture 2 Edit, Prague, CZ, 2010

14 Jul 2010 231
During my day-long walk, I took a break at NOD, a bar and coffeehouse on Dlouha. While I was sitting at a table by the window (NOD is on the first, in American terms second, floor, above Roxy, the famous rock club), and randomly noticed with my cameraphone that this would be an interesting shot, in its own way. I took pictures with both the cameraphone and the N80, though, and in the end the better camera won out, so this is an N80 shot.

Old Tennis Courts in Vysehrad, Picture 2, Prague,…

14 Jul 2010 237
These tennis courts have been in this condition for the whole time I've been in Prague. I don't know how old they are, but they never seem to be in use. At the same time, they're not too overgrown, so it gives me the impression that someone is caring for them.

Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Edited version,…

14 Jul 2010 214
The Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul is one of the older churches in Prague, although the site is far older. Many of the vaults in Vysehrad castle, which has no keep (like Prazky Hrad) have exhibitions of art treasures that are too valuable to keep above ground, although many other statues and sculptures can be found in the gardens around the Basilica.

View from Vysehrad, Picture 4 Edit, Prague, CZ, 20…

14 Jul 2010 235
Here's my fourth shot taken from Vysehrad, with the castle wall visible in the lower right.