Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: public transport

Metro Transit #110A, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2004

01 Sep 2007 461
When I visited, Minneapolis was just putting the finishing touches on a controversial light rail project, called the "Hiawatha Line" after the famous steam-era express trains, and I was lucky enough to see them testing one of the new trams. These aren't particularly unconventional as modern trams go, except for that they have train horns and bells instead of traditional tram bells, making them extremely noisy. This may have had something to do with Metro Transit classifying them as "trains" rather than trams or trollies, even though they operate in the street and perform in every concievable way like most other modern trams. I haven't found out whether this has elicited complaints, improved safety, or both, but I do know that most of the controversy was unrelated to noise. Rather, the main argument against the project was that it didn't go anywhere locals wanted to go, instead providing a link only from Nicollet Mall (seen here) to the Mall of America. The line has since been extended further north to the Warehouse District, however, which would be to the rear of this photo (if I'm wrong on either of these points please correct me). In spite of the initial arguments against the project, however, this year Metro Transit reported their highest ridership on all modes in 22 years, with 73.8 million riders for 2006, blowing past their target of 71 million. The Hiawatha line only accounted for 9.4 million of these, but if you consider that initially it was predicted no one would ride, this could actually be called quite a success.

Snow, Namesti Bratri Synku, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 479
Namesti Bratri Synku definitely had as much snow as any other part of Prague this year, and maybe even a bit more than average.

DPP #8402 In The Snow, Karlovo Namesti, Prague, CZ…

01 Sep 2007 609
I took this one in Karlovo Namesti (actually Moran), one of the busiest parts of Prague for trams.

DPP #7216 On Seifertova, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 421
I took this actually as I was taking the Ceske Drahy photos on the North throat of Hlavni Nadrazi, as the tram tracks go right under the railway tracks. This was maybe the best of the series, in spite of being of a tram and not a train! Dusk was falling, so it has a great blue twilight look to it, which is mostly authentic.

DPP #6720 In The Snow, Flora, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 427
I shot this one in Flora, where the Palac Flora shopping centre is, over out of sight to the right.

DPP #7079 In the Snow At Jiriho z Podebrad, with K…

01 Sep 2007 572
Here's yet another Jiriho z Podebrad shot, but facing in the other direction, giving us a faint look (back in the haze of snow) of Kostel Nejsvetejsiho Srdce Pane, or the Church of the Most Sacred Heart Of Our Lord.

DPP #7079 In The Snow, Jiriho z Podebrad, Prague,…

01 Sep 2007 484
Here's another Jiriho z Podebrad shot.

DPP #7039 In The Snow, Jiriho z Podebrad, Prague,…

01 Sep 2007 1 579
I also took some tram photos during the February snowstorms, some of which I uploaded previously, which this being the latest batch. I shot this one at Jiriho z Podebrad.

Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, North Throat, Covered In Sno…

01 Sep 2007 609
Here's a view of Praha Hlavni Nadrazi from the north, although regrettably there wasn't much getting around the fence and still getting such an expansive shot. Safety first, I guess.