Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: Add-On

Rain Test on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 91
I also have tested the weather features of Trainz on the map, although not in depth yet. This was the stormy setting. The models you see here mostly come with Trainz.

Large Freightyard at Night on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 1 1 72
I'm going to try and fully light the route, if possible. If I'm not mistaken, the scenery objects here are mostly from the original Trainz.

Amtrak Genesis P42 in the Rain on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 71
This is roughly at the opposite end of the line. Currently, the mainline is about 148 miles long, and it isn't even half-done yet. This is why it's currently a very slow project, as I have a lot of serious work to do elsewhere (for money). By the time I finish it, I may have to upgrade a few things to optimize it for whatever version of Trainz is current by that time.

Lightning on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 87
Here's an alternate to the last shot, further along the line.

Gardens on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 102
This is with the view swung over to the right of the hotel shot. There are many, many different models in this shot, but the green house is "Building Shop1," a default part of Trainz and the greenhouse (emphasis on one word) is "Small GreenHouse" from "sirral," and is included with Trainz.

Hotel on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 68
This is another detail shot from one of the towns on the route. This hotel is "Building Tilnowle Pub," which is a default part of Trainz, and the bus is "HighwayBus 01," by "kenichiro," but also a default part of Trainz.

SOO Line GP9 on Third Mainline on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 79
This is the other secondary mainline, which is meant solely as a feeder for the terminus. However, I hope to make it fully driveable if I include it in the final map. The SOO Line GP9's were made by "sandman2," the Milwaukee Road station was made by "milw," and the water tower is "Water Tower Small," by "flamerail," and if I'm not mistaken is a default part of Trainz.

Amtrak AEM-7 on 4-track Electric Line on Mainline…

05 Nov 2013 106
Here's an external view of the AEM-7 on the 4-track line.

Generic Electric Cab on 4-track High-Speed Line on…

05 Nov 2013 94
This is one of the faster sections of the 4-track line with embankments. The outer tracks at the moment have a speed limit of 110 m.p.h. for diesel trains and locals, while the inner tracks can be as fast as 150 m.p.h., the maximum speed limit currently existing in America. The cab is generic to Trainz, and is based on British practice (other than the driver location and the metric gauges), but it comes with the Amtrack AEM-7, which isn't accurate. I'm hoping either to build a new cab for it or talk the original developer into doing so, as it's functional, but irritating. I also haven't figured out how to get the AWS daisy to work, and in any case Amtrak don't use AWS, but a modified version of the old PRR cab signaling system, which is older yet more sophisticated than AWS.

Amtrak AEM-7 at Larger Station on Electric Line on…

05 Nov 2013 101
This station, in the current version of the map, is the border between 4-track and 2-track territory. The platforms are from the Czech version of Trainz, while the station building is Surbiton (an authentic station from Britain), which was made by "tafweb," but which comes with the 2009 version of Trainz, if I'm not mistaken.

Amtrak AEM-7 on 2-track Electric Line on Mainline…

05 Nov 2013 111
This is part of the electrified section of the mainline. The mainline is ultimately planned to start in a big city terminus, proceed over a mountain range, through a desert, and into another terminus. For the first 80-or-so miles, the line will be electrified, and the portion of the line closer to the terminus with be 4-track, while the second stretch of electrification will be 2-track. The non-electrified section will also be 2-track. This is, of course, the 2-track electric section. The catenary on the 2-track section comes with Trainz, and is based, if I'm not mistaken, on a Romanian prototype. However, it also resembles (if remotely) the catenary Amtrak uses on the New Haven-Boston section of the Northeast Corridor, hence my choice to use it here. The Mainline project, while it is fictional, and will use a great deal more electrification that is true for America generally, it will nevertheless follow American practice. The AEM-7, which I've shown in other screenshots, is originally from "Virtual Beech Grove," but I've tweaked it quite a bit for my own purposes. When and if I find an ideal combination of new settings, I'll obviously inform them and see if they're interested.

Amtrak Genesis P42 on Freight Bypass on Mainline M…

05 Nov 2013 122
In addition to the mainline, for added realism and convenience I've added two more mainlines, mainly as feeders, plus two branchlines, also as feeders. This is the larger of the two additional mainlines, and is meant as a non-electric bypass for the electric line, primarily for stack trains and auto carriers, that don't fit under the catenary available for Trainz. However, I've also experimented with AI passenger trains for the route, seen here. The Amtrak Genesis P42 locomotive is from "perrock."

CSX Dash 9 at Whistle Stop on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 78
I'm also going to add some small whistle stop stations on the route. While the mainline is meant to be primarily a modern one, I'm in the process of adding some vintage features as a tribute to the steam era, and have already added some steam facilities for those users who want them. The CSX Dash 9's are from "logman," and the station is actually the "Cable Splicer's Shack" from "shortline2," although actually it is also a default part of Trainz, last I knew. The water tower is the "H&LoBRy South Portage Water Tank," from "pmtco," which as far as I know is a default part of Trainz.

BNSF Dash 9 Passing Milk Tanks on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 112
Here's a shot on the non-electrified part of the mainline (I'm going to build one that has both electric and non-electric sections), with a BNSF freight passing some milk tanks. The Dash 9 is from "logman" and the silos are "Dairy Tanks Large" from "cjclear," but a default part of Trainz.

View into House on Mainline Map WIP

05 Nov 2013 82
This is the first of a series of screenshots that I took some time ago of a large project I'm doing for Auran Trainz, to essentially create a long mainline for line-haul operations. I'll get into my reasons for doing so later (perhaps in a blog post), but for now I'm posting screenshots of how far I've gotten so far. As with almost any Trainz project, my Main Line map (for lack of a better name), is a derivative work, with the vast majority of the models compiled from other authors. So far, I've only made a few speedsigns for the route, so they're the only models so far that are mine. As usual, no plagiarism is intended, and if you haven't been credited for some of the models in these screenshots, feel free to identify yourself in the comments to promote your work. I apologize for only crediting the authors of the main models in the shots. This is only to save time, as I have a lot of these shots and the point is the overall map project. If I'm not mistaken, this house is "House 1" and was released by "fjhorne" originally, but if I'm not mistaken was a default part of Trainz as of 2009. The interior is the part that I especially like, so I added a figurine (the author of which I've been unable to ascertain), plus those flowers, which if I'm not mistaken are part of Trainz.