Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: Letna

View from Beer Garden, Picture 3 Edit, Letna, Prag…

14 Jul 2010 359
Turning further to the southwest, the Ministerstvo průmyslu becomes visible again, this time on the left, in addition to Tynsky Chram, which is just visible in the distance in the Stare Mesto.

View from Beer Garden, Picture 2, Letna, Prague, C…

14 Jul 2010 386
Here, from a different angle, it's possible to see Zizkov and the Zizkovska televizni vez, or Zizkov Television Tower, the tallest structure in Prague.

View from Beer Garden, Letna, Prague, CZ, 2010

14 Jul 2010 315
Letna is a surprisingly short walk from NOD, so I walked across the river and up the hill, into the beer garden. I wanted to hang out there, but changed my mind and continued looking for photo opportunities, getting this somewhat gloomy shot of Stefanikuv Most and the Ministerstvo průmyslu (Ministry of Industry). It was actually a sunny day, but the sun was behind a cloud when I took this.

Shoes On Wire On Letna, Prague, CZ, 2009

09 Dec 2009 559
What really constitutes Letna, or Letna Park, is a matter of definitions. Some people only count the big open space on the south side of Letenske Sady, and some people count the whole park. This is on the north side, next to the famous "Metronome" sculpture. In fact, the wire that these sneakers are hung on supplies electricity to the Metronome.

Prague From Letna Beer Garden, Prague, CZ, 2008

29 May 2009 519
The Letna beer garden (actually a misnomer, as there are several) is a well-liked hangout for most kinds of people in Prague, particularly foreigners, and so I found myself at a party of old friends there during the summer. This beer garden has a good view of most of Prague since Letna is at a pretty high elevation compared to the rest of the city, and in some ways the views are even better than on Petrin. In any case, in this photo you can clearly see both the Stefanikuv Most and the Zizkovske Televizni Vez.

Stare Mesto from Letna Beer Garden, Prague, CZ, 20…

29 May 2009 466
If you swing your camera over to the right of the last photo, you also can get a good view of the Stare Mesto, or old town, with the male and female towers of Tynsky Chram on the left, and the clock tower of the Stare Radnice (Old Town Hall) to the right of it.