Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: Ektar 100

Marianske Lazne, Picture 25, Karlovarske kraj, Boh…

21 Mar 2012 237
Here's another shot of the colonnade without the fountain.

Marianske Lazne, Picture 20, Karlovarske kraj, Boh…

21 Mar 2012 220
This colonnade shelters several springs, most notably Karolinin pramen (Caroline's Spring). Historically, spas generally centred around mineral water springs or beaches, and Marianske Lazne was of the formal variety. Today, the water is still drinkable, although it's a bit too strong for some people. Some of it is tasty, and some of it not. I'm not an expert on the health benefits, but historically they were taken quite seriously. This colonnade is usually called the 1912 Pavilion.

Marianske Lazne, Picture 17, Karlovarske kraj, Boh…

21 Mar 2012 223
Here's my second shot of the Danubius.

Marianske Lazne, Picture 16, Karlovarske kraj, Boh…

21 Mar 2012 209
This is the Danubius Health Spa and Resort.

Marianske Lazne, Picture 15, Karlovarske kraj, Boh…

21 Mar 2012 235
This is the Hotel Bohemia, one of many hotels that I photographed, but one of only a few I decided to post online.

Post Office (Marianske Lazne Picture 10), Mariansk…

21 Mar 2012 248
This building is one of the exceptions in Marianske Lazne, in that it looks impressive, but isn't actually a hotel. It's the post office, in fact.

Earwig on the Cobbles, Cropped Version, Marianske…

21 Mar 2012 195
When I figure saw an earwig in Europe a few years ago, walking on a sidewalk in Patras, Greece, I was very surprised. I always assumed that these were American animals, but in actuality you can find them in most of the world. I also found out to my surprise that they can fly, although they do so rarely. In spite of their reputation and their looks, though, the pincer on their rear is more for intimidation than anything else, as they aren't particularly aggressive. I'm not an expert, but this one looks male, as males have more curved pincers. Earwigs aren't culturally significant to the Czech Republic, although you do hear the Czech word for them, Skvor, here and there. There a pub in Cercany named U Skvoru, for example, and I'm pretty sure there's a band called Skvor as well (although a Yahoo search failed to turn up anything).

Skoda Hybrid Bus in Marianske Lazne, Picture 3, Cr…

21 Mar 2012 254
Here's a front view of the bus, revealing the Skoda logo above the bumper. The trolley pantograph is fully retracted here, and the bus is starting to pull away under diesel power.

Skoda Hybrid Bus, Cropped Version, Marianske Lazne…

21 Mar 2012 274
This is, surprisingly enough, a hybrid bus, for lack of a better term. It can run off of catenary like a trolleybus, or on diesel like a conventional bus. It looks like a Karosa, but it's actually built by Skoda, a traditional trolleybus maker. Here you can see it retracting its trolley pantograph.

Marianske Lazne, Picture 5, Karlovarske kraj, Bohe…

21 Mar 2012 233
I wasn't clear to me whether this house is now being used as a hotel, offices, or both, but it is notable not only for its attractive architecture, but for a plaque (just visible on the lower right part of the building) commemorating the time Sigmund Freud spent here. Although people usually think of Freud as an Austrian or a German, he was actually a German-speaking Moravian, making him an Austrian by the standards of his day due to the Hapsburg Empire. Due to his Czech ties, Marianske Lazne isn't the only place in the Czech Republic where you can find references to him. Mozart is another common figure to see in Czech history and commemorated on buildings, as he was in the same situation, having been born in Salzburg, Austria in the time of the Hapsburgs, and having travelled throughout the empire while on tour, but that's a story for another place.

Penzion Elektra, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarsky kraj…

21 Mar 2012 192
Most of the more interesting buildings (although not all) are hotels built in the 19th and early 20th centuries, when tourism to Marianske Lazne was at its peak, and the city was still called Marienbad. This is the Penzion Elektra.

Fall Colors in Krc, Picture 2, Prague, CZ, 2009

16 Dec 2009 272
I just took this at the end of a parking lot in Krc. The saturation and contrast have been cranked up more than is obvious, I think because the original's colors and contrast were inhibited by low light.

Fall Colors in Krc, Prague, CZ, 2009

16 Dec 2009 300
This shot had the saturation and contrast cranked up slightly, but not tremendously. This was taken among some office buildings in the vicinity of Sidliste Krc.

Fall Colors With Car in Haje, High-Saturation Vers…

16 Dec 2009 309
Here's another high-saturation shot thanks to Gimp, composed with that red Skoda Fabia in the bottom center, just because I saw the opportunity at the time, and took it. The saturation has been raised to bring out the colors of the trees.

Greenish Fall Colors, Haje, Prague, CZ, 2009

16 Dec 2009 253
I edited this photo too, but mostly to make the colors come out, as they were somewhat brighter in real life than in my initial scan.

Fall Colors on Plickova, Picture 2, High-Saturatio…

16 Dec 2009 284
Here's a version of the previous shot pointed straight down the street. It has somewhat of a 1970's magazine feel to to it, in my opinion, probably again due to the raised saturation and contrast in post-processing.

Fall Colors on Plickova, High-Saturation Version,…

16 Dec 2009 264
This is a follow-up on my previous random shot down this street, which has been helped along somewhat by Gimp, as I've cranked the saturation of this shot up a bit. This is a completely different original, though, using Ektar, which is a higher-saturation film to begin with.

Nadrazi Cercany Before Subway Opening, Cercany, Bo…

16 Dec 2009 227
I took this shot around mid-October, when much of the track construction in Cercany was complete. The passenger subway still wasn't open, though, as you can see from the walkway still in place on the other end of the station building. Incidentally, this is my first shot to go on Flickr which was shot with Ektar.