Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: Usti

Sunset Over Nadrazi Most, Edited Version, Most, Us…

15 Nov 2011 293
I'd still like to fiddle with this shot in Gimp a bit more, as I feel the colors could be a lot more brilliant. This was the last film shot I took on my Karlovy Vary trip before the sun went almost 9:00 p.m. Yeah, no kidding. It stayed light very, very late.

Nadrazi Most, Picture 2, Most, Ustecky Kraj, Bohem…

15 Nov 2011 448
Here's an alternate shot that I liked better, with a mixed freight in the background. Indeed, Most yard hosts passenger trains, coal trains, and mixed freights.

Nadrazi Most, Most, Ustecky Kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 20…

15 Nov 2011 202
Here's the passenger station for Most.

MUS Coal Train in Most, Picture 2, Edited Version,…

15 Nov 2011 269
This coal train, headed by a Class 127 electric locomotive, is dedicated soley to the MUS mining railway. The 127 Class is exclusive to this line and the SU mining railway in Sokolova, as it runs on 1,500v DC current, and is dedicated solely to heavy freight service, with a maximum speed of only 65Km/h (40 m.p.h.). Power is surprisingly low, at only 2,937 horsepower (2,190Kw). This rail line carries lignite from the surrounding mines, which are among the only coal mines still active in Bohemia. They've been so active historically, in fact, that numerous towns and villages, and even the city centre of Most, have been destroyed by strip mining and subsidence. The world record was set for the largest building relocated on wheels, when the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was moved from the original Most centre to the new one in 1975. See these links for more details: (Most)

Nadrazi Chomutov, Picture 3, Edited Version, Chomu…

15 Nov 2011 273
Here's a generic, color photo of Nadrazi Chomutov, in contrast to the black and white posted earlier.

CD Snowplow, Edited Version 2, Chomutov, Ustecky K…

15 Nov 2011 215
This snowplow, technically a snowspreader, if I'm not mistaken, was parked in Chomutov waiting for the winter. Normally, these types of plows have much higher blades, but this one may be too light for them. It isn't clear whether this one is steam or diesel powered, as I don't know much about it, but I'm assuming diesel. Note that it has CD, and not CD Cargo or SZDC, livery. This photo has been heavily edited due to the setting sun overexposing the original, the negative being damaged and/or dirty, and graffiti fouling the original scene. The CD livery is, however, real.

Nadrazi Chomutov, Edited Version, Chomutov, Usteck…

15 Nov 2011 263
This photo isn't of anything special, but is the better of two shots I took from the train in Chomutov on the way to Karlovy Vary, a city I had always wanted to visit as it's one of the main Czech tourist destinations that I've so far missed. I kept this one and uploaded it mostly because I liked the composition. This is also my first shot posted to Flickr (I think) taken with C41 black and white film, or at least the first taken with Kodak BW400CN.

Hrad Strekov, Usti nad Labem, Ustecky Kraj, Bohemi…

12 May 2009 253
Usti nad Labem also has a castle, Hrad Strekov, which dates to the beginning of the 14th Century. The bridge of sorts in the foreground is actually not the famous Usti nad Labem bridge, but a sluice gate on the River Labe called the Strekovska Zdymadla.