Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: tempelhof

Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany, 2007

05 Sep 2007 394
This technically bad, blurred, photo was shot from a train, as this was about the only chance I got to see Tempelhof, and I didn't want to pass it up. As Wikipedia says, "Designated by the ministry of transportation on October 8, 1923, Tempelhof is the world's oldest commercial airport, and the world's first airport being connected to a subway-network in 1927." That's something very impressive to me, especially when you consider that it was also the first with restaurants and shops like modern airports, all 25 years before the first jet airliners. It has long enough runways to take 747 jumbo jets, but aircraft visiting Tempelhof are often expected to taxi under certain overhead bridges in the airport that were constructed long before aircraft got so large, so today most planes using Tempelhof are very small by the standards of modern airliners, and there has been talk of closing the airport. I hope myself that it will survive as a museum, and I would support any such effort to preserve it.

Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, Berlin, Germany, 2007

05 Sep 2007 564 it is, an active rail facility, Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, still in existence in a railyard that's been abandoned for so long that trees are growing through the tracks and the whole place has become a park. I wasn't trespassing when I took this, by the way, but rather I found a crack in the door just barely big enough for my lens, and then I had to crop this before I posted it. That train sitting there, by the way, is an old untergrundbahn, or subway/metro train, and I have no idea what it's doing here.

Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt Shed Door, Berlin, Germ…

05 Sep 2007 546
Very oddly, the Bruckenmeisterei shed isn't considered part of the park, and is in fact still occupied.

Coal Bunker, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…

05 Sep 2007 793
This is the coal bunker at Bruckenmeisterei shed, and very surprisingly it still has coal in it, although indeed everything is surprising in this yard-turned-park.

Water Spout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…

05 Sep 2007 546
This is the waterspout at Bruckenmeisterei shed, pretty well intact, from the look of it, although I doubt that there's any water left in the tower posted earlier.

Bruckenmeisterei West Office, Rangierbahnhof Tempe…

05 Sep 2007 542
This is one of the signs that I've been talking about all this time, over the former yard office which is now the park office. So which is it? Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, or Bruckenmeisterei (or for that matter, Bruckmeisterei West)?

Turntable, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Germa…

05 Sep 2007 1 568
This was the turntable for near the Bruckenmeisterei West office, which also is situated close to the Bruckenmeisterei shed and the Class 50 2-10-0 I found, as well as other steam-related facilities.

Water Tower, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…

05 Sep 2007 616
This is the water tower at Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, or Bruckenmeisterei, if you will. This was where I found the Bruckenmeisterei signs, on the former yard office, which is now occupied, appropriately enough, by the offices of the park's management.

ex-DR #503707-2, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin,…

05 Sep 2007 1 1 1178
This was one of the highpoints of my visit to Berlin. You know how I said that everything in the yard was just left as-is? Well, that even included this former Deutsche Reichsbahn Class 50 2-10-0, although it's been stripped for parts. Someone repainted it, though, in order to control rust on it and make it look nicer in what is now a relatively clean and green park.

Track to Trail, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Picture…

05 Sep 2007 534
This is another shot of the path through the Rangier Bahnhof Tempelhof park, showing a turnout in the track. This was approaching the hump, as this railyard was a hump yard, in spite of being built and abandoned in the steam era.

Track to Trail, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin,…

05 Sep 2007 1 1 510
This is part of the trail through the Bruckenmeisterei/Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof park, made out of one of the old tracks, as like I said almost nothing was scrapped.

Abandoned Turnout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Pictu…

05 Sep 2007 460
I'm not actually posting Picture 2, as it was a bracket and I don't think it was very good. :-) This is another, clearer shot of the abandoned turnout in the last shot.

Abandoned Turnout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berli…

05 Sep 2007 536
Here's the turnout that the abandoned switchstand was connected to. If I'm not mistake this was on or near the hump.

Abandoned Power Switchstand, Rangierbahnhof Tempel…

05 Sep 2007 540
This was a switchstand that I found near the hump in the Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof park, by all appearances a powered one, again somewhat unusual for a steam-era yard, illustrating how sophisticated this yard once was.

Pipe Tunnel Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Picture 3, B…

05 Sep 2007 538
This tunnel, not original, but made out of a pipe found somewhere, is part of a park that used to be a railway freight yard. The tour guide said the yard was originally called Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, although all the signs I saw said Bruckenmeisterei, so whichever one it is. Much of the infrastructure, all of it steam-era, is still intact, as the yard was in control of the Soviets (as was all of the rail infrastructure in Berlin) after World War II, and lacking adequate international traffic to keep it going, it was eventually abandoned, with almost everything sitting abandoned until 1989, when it became the park that it is now.