Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: editing

Trainz Klanovice-Velim Tour, 2016

20 Jun 2016 756
The team over at, headed allegedly by Asrajer, produced this Trainz 2006 route between Prague and Brno, based on the real mainline (Linky 011-230-250). The route is so long that I have used the freecam to explore between Klanovice and Velim, rather than driving the route. I already love it, but my copy is missing a bunch of assets. This is because they are missing both from the Trainz Download Station and They are: kuid:109628:25036 kuid:143730:2510220 kuid:193885:40001 kuid:193885:40003 kuid:193885:40007 kuid:193885:40008 kuid:193885:40009 kuid:193885:40010 kuid:75263:27313 Any assistance in finding these would be welcome, as would advice on how to join website (I've tried to answer the security question with basic Czech, and failed repeatedly). The specific download page for the route is:

Street Rod 1 Review, 2016

20 Jun 2016 527
This is one of my favorite games of the 8-bit era, so this was actually my first-ever playthrough video (although not the first one that I uploaded). You can hear some voices in the background because the recording studio I used had a thin door. It was actually a post-production studio rather than a proper recording studio. I was also using a borrowed digital audio recorder, which I wasn't familiar with. There are also other bugs like the image not being centered. At the time, I was still learning how to use Open Broadcaster. Although it was originally developed by California Dreams, actually a Polish company, the rights are now owned by Marco Kleijer, who subsequently developed Street Rod SE, based on the car disks produced for Street Rod 1, and who is currently developing Street Rod Online. His website is here:

FS2004 TTools Demo Video, 2016

20 Jun 2016 639
Although I have enjoyed Microsoft Flight Simulator for years, not all of my enjoyment has been from flying the planes. I have also made numerous repaints, and added literally thousands of new AI traffic routes. I've also modified all of the built-in ones, although not always with precision. This video summarizes how to build AI Traffic files using TTools and Notepad. TTools can be acquired here:

Blender for Trainz Project, 2016

20 Jun 2016 730
I recently learned how to export Blender models to Auran Trainz, and built my first Trainz model, of a generic (and semi-fictional) Phillips refrigerator box. This instructional video explains how to export Blender models to Trainz. Blender is available here: The model exporter for Trainz is available here: Gimp, the image editor used in this video, is available here:

UV Mapping Video, 2016

20 Jun 2016 588
Originally, I had planned on using my first Blender project for Trainz as an assignment at Prague College. To my surprise, it was too long when presented live, and of questionable relevance to many students (who were my audience) who (surprisingly) were unfamiliar with some of the concepts such as UV mapping. My professor recommended that I do a presentation UV mapping instead, which while broader, can be explained in less time. Therefore, this is a video version of that live presentation, using most of the same content. Some of the content used in this presentation is from Wikimedia, some of the slides were developed in Microsoft Powerpoint, and the other applications used are available here:

Street Rod 2 Review, 2016

20 Jun 2016 568
I made this playthrough on the same day, and in the same studio, as the Street Rod 1 playthrough. As such, it has some of the same bugs. As with Street Rod 1, Street Rod 2 was previously a California Dreams product, but is now being developed by Marco Kleijer:

Railsim Playthrough, 2016

20 Jun 2016 612
Railsim is one of the oldest train simulators I own, and it looks even older. However, it is still one of my favorites. In this playthrough, I try out the fictional Redwood-Blacktown commuter route (in the USA/CAN version of the simulator) with a freight train headed by 4 SD40-2 diesels. Railsim can still be downloaded from: Jens Schubert has since developed a sequel known as ZUSI available here: