Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: vltava

River Sazava, Bohemia(CZ), 2005

01 Sep 2007 340
I recently had a Photo CD made of one of my black and white rolls, and regretted it, as the scans were horrible. This one was an exception, though, even if I'm not particularly fond of black and white landscapes. Even if I'm not Ansel Adams, I actually like it. It's of the River Sazava (if I'm not mistaken), although quite a few kilometers south of Prague. I took this from a steam excursion train on Linka (mainline) 210 from Praha Branik-Cercany(or Dobris). Of course, if this is really the Vltava, somebody please correct me, but I'm pretty sure it's the Sazava.

View From Petrin Hill, Prague, CZ, 2005

01 Sep 2007 1 335
Here's an overall view of Prague taken from Petrin Hill, which lets you see pretty much all of the city centre, with the exception of the Hradcany, which is out of view to the left. Enjoy! :-)

Mala Strana Seen From Cechuv Most, Prague, CZ, 200…

01 Sep 2007 333
Here's a somewhat unusual view of the Mala Strana, seen from the south end of Cechuv Most (Cechuv Bridge). Notice the Petrin watchtower on Petrin Hill, to the left, and of course the Hradcany to the right.

Narodni Divadlo Seen From Zofin, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 342
This was one of a series of shots I took from Zofin, an island in the Vltava accessible from the Most Legii, visible to the left. I had my Ikoflex with me, loaded with black and white film, and my Lomo 135BC, loaded with color. This is probably my most successful shot with the Lomo so far.

Narodni Divadlo Seen From Zofin, Picture 2, Prague…

01 Sep 2007 348
I shot this on the same day as my Lomo of the same scene, only this shot was taken with my Ikoflex.

Strahov And The Staropramen Pivovar (Brewery), Pra…

01 Sep 2007 450
I was standing on Resinovo next to the Zeleznicni Most, and noticed this perfect shot of the Staropramen Pivovar (Brewery) and Stadion Stahov up on the hill overlooking it. Normally, I think Staropramen have a big sign out, but either I didn't manage to get it into my shot, or they've taken it down.

Sunset Over Palackeho Most, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 358
This is another case of seeing a shot and taking it, more or less. :-)

T3 Tram Leaving Namesti Bratri Synku, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 429
This shot is too blurred to identify this tram's number, but it's definitely a Tatra T3 double set.

T3 Tram On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Backgro…

01 Sep 2007 467
I've seen this shot taken before, not only from here but also from the Most Legii, which actually works better because it's closer to the Hradcany. Unfortunately, the bridge is obscuring the numbers on this Tatra T3 double set.

T3 On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Background,…

01 Sep 2007 494
Here's a variation on Picture 1 taken a little further back.