Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: Jablonec

Beads, Vyletni Areal Pencin, Jablonec nad Nisou, L…

09 Dec 2009 316
Another obvious attempt at diversification on the farm was the bead factory, which obviously has nothing to do with farming at all. Kids were encouraged, for a fee, to make their own jewelery out of the beads provided in these trays.

Road Train, Vyletni Areal Pencin, Jablonec nad Nis…

09 Dec 2009 371
Speaking of trains, the farm had this road train, perhaps to entertain the kids, or perhaps just to get attention.

Obcerstveni U Husy, Vyletni Areal Pencin, Jablonec…

09 Dec 2009 351
This was the Obcerstveni "U Husy." An obcerstveni is a traditional Czech fast food restaurant, but this one is unusual in that it has tables. Most of these restaurants are standing only, with high tables like on the TGV high speed train in France.

Old Dairy Equipment, Vyletni Areal Pencin, Jablone…

09 Dec 2009 425
In addition to the reasonably modern factory on the premises for making goat cheese, the farm also had this small exhibit of the tools used to make butter and cheese in the pre-industrial era.

Goat Cheese Factory, Vyletni Areal Pencin, Jablone…

09 Dec 2009 439
In addition to finding the name of the farm we were at, I recently scanned and post-processed the rest of the film that I shot that day. This was the goat cheese factory (Maybe it should be called a dairy?) there.

Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(CZ), 2…

16 Apr 2008 191
Jablonec is one of the largest cities in Liberecky Kraj in Bohemia, surpassed, I think, only by Liberec. I shot this as we were driving through.