Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: minster

York Minster Sky (rescan), York, North Yorkshire,…

07 Nov 2007 306
As the title indicates, this is a rescan of a much older photo from when I lived in York, with the sky burnt in slightly. This view is a favorite with some of the locals, who lie on the steps looking up at the carvings.

York Minster--Sky, York, North Yorkshire, UK, 2003

01 Sep 2007 459
I took this lying on the steps of York Minster, in a position popular with local teenagers, as it's one of the most impressive ways to admire the intricate carvings that cover this world-class church. It bothers me, in a way, that I didn't have a medium format camera when I took this. I rotated the photo 180 degrees, though, as the "U" shape created by the church against the sky simply looks better this way, in my opinion. I apologize for the poor quality of the scan, though, as you can see scanner lines in the sky. The original, of course, doesn't have this problem. :-)

York Minster Pigeons, York, North Yorkshire, Engla…

01 Sep 2007 325
Whether Ken Livingstone (mayor of London, not York, I'm not that stupid) thinks, cathedrals normally have pigeons flying around them. :-) This gave me the opportunity to get this shot.

York Minster, York, North Yorkshire, England(UK),…

01 Sep 2007 1 498
York Minster is the largest gothic cathedral in northern Europe, although so much of it is under scaffolding so much of the time it's often hard to get a good photo of it. This shot is an exception, since it doesn't show the whole Minster. Come to think of it, taking a photo of the whole Minster is quite a challenge if you don't have a helicopter, due to its massive size and the close proximity of other buildings. York Minster was built during the years 1220-1472, but there are believed to have been churches on the site since 627.