Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: pan

Blurred Tatra T6A5 Tram at the Meet Factory at Nig…

14 Nov 2011 384
This was a lucky shot with my cameraphone while I was waiting for a show behind the Meet Factory, a club closely connected to the alternative sculptor David Cerny. The tram is a Tatra T6A5 built around 1996, although the number is too blurred to read.

Express at Hostivar, LoRes, Prague, CZ, 2011

13 Sep 2011 353
This was from March 25th, making it one of the earlier mainline videos I got after New Year's Break. I don't expect this to make it into the NRHS show (I don't think), so it's ideal for iPernity. The locomotive is a Class 162 electric, with 4667 horsepower (3480Kw) and a maximum speed of 140Km/h (86 m.p.h.), although it's going far slower here.

Express at Radotin, Lo Res Version, Prague, CZ, 20…

22 Dec 2010 420
I'm saving the video and photos of Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros," for my NRHS shows, so here's another shot I got while at Radotin, of an outbound express.

Express Pan in Snow at Nadrazi Hostivar, Picture 4…

30 Jan 2010 426
In this photo the train is harder to make out, but that's kind of the point. The huge cloud of snow enveloping the train further adds to the dramatic sense of speed. The crazy thing is that few trains running through Hostivar are doing much more than 60 Km/h.

Express Pan in Snow at Nadrazi Hostivar, Picture 3…

30 Jan 2010 395
This to me is a classic pan shot, although many people get shots like this without panning, so I'm not sure if my opinion is really correct.

Express Pan in Snow at Nadrazi Hostivar, Picture 2…

30 Jan 2010 427
This is my favorite of the four shots in the pan, although I've chosen to post all four.

Express Pan in Snow at Nadrazi Hostivar, Prague, C…

30 Jan 2010 432
I've done a number of express pans, of course, and train pans generally, but it's only a rare opportunity when I can get an express in the snow. Snow, or at least powder, inevitably magnifies the sensation of speed in a photo, or for that matter in real life.

Blurred 363 Class Electric at Night, Cercany, Bohe…

18 Dec 2009 461
When I saw this express roaring through Cercany one night, I couldn't resist a pan shot, and indeed I got much luckier than I had hoped.

Express Pan at Horovice, Bohemia (CZ), 2009

10 Aug 2009 286
This was our train back to Prague, appearing in the low light (and slow shutter), to be racing through the station. It wasn't, of course.

DPP #7065 Pan on Narodni Trida, Prague, CZ, 2009

04 Aug 2009 288
I've been surprised again and again at how well the W302 can do panning. It doesn't even have manual controls, but somehow it usually works. I would have preferred for the tram to be less blurred in this shot, and for the car to be more so, but that's life. I think it came out quite nicely.

Namesti Republiky Metro Station Sign, Prague, CZ,…

17 Jul 2009 1 359
Here's the rather elaborate Metro station design at Namesti Republiky.

Flora Metro Sequence 4, Prague, CZ, 2009

17 Jul 2009 359
And before I could get a shot of the train emerging from the tunnel, it was a blur.

Flora Metro Sequence 3, Prague, CZ, 2009

17 Jul 2009 379
Here's the third shot.....

Flora Metro Sequence 2, Prague, CZ, 2009

17 Jul 2009 358
Here's the second shot, as the headlights came into view...

Flora Metro Sequence 1, Prague, CZ, 2009

17 Jul 2009 1 1 377
I did this sequence in the Flora Metro station, getting grainy results, but better results than on most of my other attempts to push the cameraphone's limits.

CD #163019-3 Pan at Nadrazi Hostivar, Prague, CZ,…

10 Jul 2009 305
Although a large number of trains, including expresses, stop at Hostivar, and there's some freight switching action, too, there are also plenty of expresses that don't stop, and plenty of through freights, allowing for pan shots, albeit at modest speeds. Here's #163019-3 with a container freight.

CD #163019-3 Pan at Nadrazi Hostivar, Picture 3, P…

10 Jul 2009 246
The the final pan of #163019-3, which I think is the best.

CD #163019-3 Pan at Nadrazi Hostivar, Picture 2, P…

10 Jul 2009 276
Here's the second of three pan shots of #163019-3...

19 items in total