Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: Plus-X

Pedestrian Tunnel in Krc, Prague, CZ, 20105

16 May 2010 361
This was just a random, lucky shot with the Contina. When I saw the scene, I knew that I wanted it.

Mainline in Senohraby, Bohemia (CZ), 2010

16 May 2010 380
Here's the newly modernised mainline south of Senohraby, albeit obscured by snow.

DPP #7030 at Narodni Trida, Picture 2, Prague, CZ,…

16 May 2010 418
This was another random shot, taken at the Narodni Trida tram stop. The Metro station is hidden back in the construction site. During the 1990's-2000's, that construction site was home to a number of additional shops next to Tesco's, on the far left, although now it's reverted to its Communist-era appearance as a mudpit. I'm not sure exactly what the plan is for it, but it probably won't be left in this state for long.

CD #451019-9 in Senohraby, Bohemia (CZ), 2010

16 May 2010 618
Nadrazi Senohraby was recently modernised, and so I've been taking more photos there this year than in the past. The trains, however, are often still ancient, like this Class 451 "Pantograph" EMU from the 1960's.

Blurred Express Pan, Picture 2, Nadrazi Hostivar,…

16 May 2010 1 1 506
A number of express trains don't stop in Hostivar, so I've been able to get quite a few action shots there. The snowy days are the best, though, since powdered snow exaggerates the sensation of speed.

CD #742301-5, Nadrazi Hostivar, Prague, CZ, 2010

16 May 2010 407
There's usually a Class 742 diesel idling in Hostivar as well, handling local switching and freight as needed.

Container Train, Nadrazi Hostivar, Prague, CZ, 201…

16 May 2010 386
Here's another shot of the container train.

CD #163029-4 at Nadrazi Hostivar, Picture 2 Crop,…

16 May 2010 342
There's also a lot of freight traffic through Hostivar, mostly consisting of container trains. The next stop south is actually Urineves, which has an intermodal facility.

City Elefant in the Snow, Picture 2, Nadrazi Hosti…

16 May 2010 520
Here's an alternate shot of the City Elefant.

City Elefant in the Snow at Nadrazi Hostivar, Prag…

16 May 2010 947
In January, a lot of City Elefants were still working the Praha Hlavni Nadrazi-Benesov u Prahy locals, although I haven't seen them much lately.

Vysehrad in the Snow, Picture 2, Prague, CZ, 2010

16 May 2010 368
This shot was taken from just outside the Vysehrad Metro Station. The structure barely visible on the far right is Nuselsky Most, I think. The domed building in the distance is the largest Russian Orthodox church in Prague.

Trees in the Snow, Picture 2, Krc, Prague, CZ, 201…

16 May 2010 361
The day after I finished my roll of Fujicolor Superia 1600, I tried the Plus-X roll in my Zeiss-Ikon Contina LK, and started it in Krc, taking more snow pictures. The snow still hadn't melted, so it still looked like New York more than Prague.

Snow in Haje, Prague, CZ, 2010

16 May 2010 359
Haje was just as buried as Krc. One of the problems I had in scanning the negs was that the shots were a little bit too bright, but my scanner was also a factor. As you can see, a slight post process is all that the shots needed.

Vysehrad Metro Station, Prague, CZ, 2010

16 May 2010 413
Vysehrad had an exceptional amount of snow, maybe because the whole neighborhood (formerly a seperate city) is on a hill. This is an exterior view of the Metro station.

Kostel sv. Stepana, Prague, CZ, 2010

16 May 2010 343
This church, on Stepanska, is not one that I'm very familiar with. I might put up more historical detail later.

Streetlights in Haje, Prague, CZ, 2010

16 May 2010 366
This was another shot taken in Haje. There was a certain about of snow still coming down when I took this, creating a slight haze.

Rolls of Film, 2009-2010

21 Jan 2010 2 2 336
My family know that I shoot mostly film (at least for display), so it was natural that I would get a lot of film for Christmas, although the roll of expired Fujicolor Superia 1600 there was sitting in a drawer for a couple of years until I got around to shooting it on the Prague Metro. It's in my Nikon now, with one shot to go. I'm hoping to finish it today and get it developed immediately, so that I can have my second set of Metro shots ever committed to film (the rest are cameraphone shots). The Plus-X is at the lab, after I used it to shoot the snow in Prague earlier this month in my Contina (the first time that camera has been used in over a year), and the Ektar and the BW400CN are still in my camera bag waiting to be used.