Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: BW400CN

Old Becherovka Distillery, Karlovy Vary, Karlovars…

15 Nov 2011 284
This is the famous Becherovka distillery where until recently Becherovka, the famous Karlovy Vary herbal liquor, was made. It's now a museum of sorts, although when I asked them if they intended to open the old production line to the public they just said "no." This response seemed really arrogant at the time, but on the other hand the process is supposed to be a trade secret, so maybe it made perfect sense. They do have some cooking vessels for people to see, though. I don't know if they were used for fermentation, though, since the process (to the extent that they let people know about it) involves the addition of pre-prepared grain alcohol (unless I misunderstood their explanation), rather than using the brewing process to ferment the ingredients, which sort of makes the term "distillery" misleading. Incidentally, this is also not the original building, as although this location is authentic, this building was constructed later, albeit still in the 19th Century.

Karlovy Vary Dolni Nadrazi, Picture 2, Edited Vers…

15 Nov 2011 336
Here's a more conventional shot of Dolni Nadrazi. I'm assuming this is a Communist-era building, but I don't know its precise history.

Karlovy Vary Dolni Nadrazi, Edited Version, Karlov…

15 Nov 2011 328
This is another shot that's far from a "file photo" type of shot, that I took because I saw the opportunity to get a "depth-of-field" type of shot through this tree. Karlovy Vary has two primary train stations, Hlavni Nadrazi and Dolni Nadrazi, but it is possible to travel straight through both of them on the same train, winding down the hill from Hlavni Nadrazi to Dolni Nadrazi, seen here, although the center track in the picture is a stub end ending in a bumper just below the camera.

Karlovy Vary Hlavni Nadrazi, Karlovy Vary, Karlova…

15 Nov 2011 388
This was another shot that I kept because I ended up liking how it looked. I would have probably preferred a color "file photo" sort of shot here, but I had black and white film in my camera still, and this ended up being good enough to post anyway.

Nadrazi Chomutov, Edited Version, Chomutov, Usteck…

15 Nov 2011 263
This photo isn't of anything special, but is the better of two shots I took from the train in Chomutov on the way to Karlovy Vary, a city I had always wanted to visit as it's one of the main Czech tourist destinations that I've so far missed. I kept this one and uploaded it mostly because I liked the composition. This is also my first shot posted to Flickr (I think) taken with C41 black and white film, or at least the first taken with Kodak BW400CN.

Rolls of Film, 2009-2010

21 Jan 2010 2 2 336
My family know that I shoot mostly film (at least for display), so it was natural that I would get a lot of film for Christmas, although the roll of expired Fujicolor Superia 1600 there was sitting in a drawer for a couple of years until I got around to shooting it on the Prague Metro. It's in my Nikon now, with one shot to go. I'm hoping to finish it today and get it developed immediately, so that I can have my second set of Metro shots ever committed to film (the rest are cameraphone shots). The Plus-X is at the lab, after I used it to shoot the snow in Prague earlier this month in my Contina (the first time that camera has been used in over a year), and the Ektar and the BW400CN are still in my camera bag waiting to be used.