Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: bunker

Coal Bunker at the CD Muzeum, Luzna u Rakovnika, B…

17 Dec 2010 392
This is the fully-active coal bunker used at the CD Muzeum for supplying operable steam locomotives. The narrow-gauge mining track into it is an interesting touch, I think.

Old World War II Bunker, Fakse, Denmark, 2007

22 Dec 2007 213
As I was walking around looking for the train station to leave Fakse (it's actually quite a ways from the village center, and you need to take a bus to the station), I found this old World War II bunker. It took me a minute to figure out what it really was, but there it was.

Magnified Russian(?) Markings, Picture 2 (Sumava H…

28 Oct 2007 247
Here's a close up of the Russian, I think, lettering on the apparent bunker.

Bunker??? (Sumava Hike Picture 7), Sumavsky Narodn…

28 Oct 2007 280
Even more interesting was this bunker on one of the curves in the Schwarzenberg Canal, or at least that's what it looked like. It had been filled with concrete by the time I took this, but given the (apparently) Russian markings on it, I'm almost certain that it dates to the days when it when Sumava was a military area, possibly as far back as World War II. Any further info on this would be really interesting.

Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, Berlin, Germany, 2007

05 Sep 2007 564 it is, an active rail facility, Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, still in existence in a railyard that's been abandoned for so long that trees are growing through the tracks and the whole place has become a park. I wasn't trespassing when I took this, by the way, but rather I found a crack in the door just barely big enough for my lens, and then I had to crop this before I posted it. That train sitting there, by the way, is an old untergrundbahn, or subway/metro train, and I have no idea what it's doing here.

Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt Shed Door, Berlin, Germ…

05 Sep 2007 546
Very oddly, the Bruckenmeisterei shed isn't considered part of the park, and is in fact still occupied.

Coal Bunker, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…

05 Sep 2007 793
This is the coal bunker at Bruckenmeisterei shed, and very surprisingly it still has coal in it, although indeed everything is surprising in this yard-turned-park.