Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: csd

Destination Board On Prague-Krivoklat-Prague Excur…

10 Sep 2007 419
Unfortunately I don't have the number of this coach handy, but it was one of the old 1940's-era 4-wheel coaches pictured earlier. Note that in Europe even the steam excursions have destination boards!! :-)

ex-CSD #498.022 Piston Valve Assembly, Nadrazi Bra…

10 Sep 2007 400
The title is self explanatory. Otherwise, it only makes sense to explain this in response to questions, which would as often as not pertain to steam locomotives as Skoda 4-8-2s. :-)

ex-CSD #498.022 Piston Rod Assembly and Valve Gear…

10 Sep 2007 484
Here you can get a better look at the valve gear and...uh....piston rod assembly on 498.022. Otherwise, questions would yield better info that my continuing to write this. :-)

ex-CSD #498.022 Injector, Nadrazi Branik, Branik,…

10 Sep 2007 450
This is was an injector looks like in the Czech Republic. :-) This one was made in Brno, as you can see stamped on it, although I don't know if SBS is a manufacturer or a model of injector.

ex-CSD #498.022 Drivers, Nadrazi Branik, Branik, P…

10 Sep 2007 434
I wasn't able to get a proper "firearms" view of the drivers on 498.022 because of all the people around, but I was able at least to get this shot.

ex-CSD #498.022 Builder Plate, Nadrazi Branik, Bra…

10 Sep 2007 414
This is 498.022's builder plate, indicating that it was built at Skoda's Plzen works in 1947. The winged arrow logo above it is the Skoda logo.

ex-CSD #498.022, Nadrazi Branik, Picture 3, Branik…

10 Sep 2007 404
This was after 498.022 had buffered up to the train again and was being coupled for the trip back out.

ex-CSD 498.022, Picture 2, Branik, Prague, CZ, 200…

10 Sep 2007 441
This was at the time that 498.022 was back further on the bridge out of Branik, but I don't know exactly what order this one is in. I'm fairly certain that the previous shot was of it pulling out, and this was after it was stopped or nearly in place before heading back in.

ex-CSD 498.022, Branik, Prague, CZ, 2007

10 Sep 2007 493
I took this after I was able to get a bit closer to 498.022, basically by running at it as it moved.

ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Picture 4, Bra…

10 Sep 2007 404
I took this as 498.022 was pulling back into Nadrazi Branik as an unidentified 810 Class railbus was departing south.

ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Picture 3, Bra…

10 Sep 2007 474
This is a closer crop of Picture 2. I'll reiterate that these shots capture the feel of the Czech Republic's rail system exceptionally well, and indeed they remind me of some of the prettiest photos (and movies) shot here.

ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Picture 2, Bra…

10 Sep 2007 480
I had high hopes for these photos from the very beginning, and now that I can see them with my own eyes they're some of my favorite color photos of the year, dramatic in their own special Czech way.

ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Branik, Prague…

10 Sep 2007 423
I noticed the composition of these photos at the same time that I noticed that I could get more shots of CSD 498.022 before I left Branik. Incidentally, the Branicky Most, the bridge overhead, is a railway bridge that carries freight traffic across the River Vltava, and helps to keep Branik a busy station most of the time, even if the station itself only hosts local passenger services, a few freights, and a few excursions like this one.

ex-CSD #434.2186 at Tynec nad Sazavou, CZ, 2005

01 Sep 2007 503
I took this on a steam excursion that I took from Praha-Branik to Tynec nad Sazavou during the summer of 2005. It was a fun trip, as steam trips are, and I shot both slides and black and whites. I don't have the slides scanned yet, but here's a black and white. :-) This was our locomotive, former Ceskoslovensko Drahy #434.2186.

ex-CSD #434 2186 at Tynec, Picture 2, Tynec nad Sa…

01 Sep 2007 466
This was another shot I took, while #434 2186 was being run around for the trip back to Prague. It at least gives you chance to see the drivers. :-)

ex-CSD #434.2186 on Curve, Bohemia(CZ), 2005

01 Sep 2007 358
I did a few shots on curves when I was on the #434.2186 steam excursion, of course, and this is my favorite.