Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: vaclavske namesti

Narodni Muzeum, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 301
The originally the National Museum of Bohemia, this building is now the National Museum of the Czech Republic, which includes Bohemia, Moravia, and part of Silesia. It's a landmark in Prague, and its size and relative elevation compared to surrounding buildings makes it visible from many unexpected parts of the city.

Setting Sunlight On Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 250
This is a sunrise, and not a sunset, as the sunlight is coming from the west, rather than the east, of Vaclavske Namesti. I was walking out of Mustek, saw the way the light was illuminating the buildings, and got this shot. I accidentally deleted this photo on the 28th of November, 2006, and I have no idea how many views it had at the time. For that, I'm obviously sorry. If you marked it a favorite, please mark it again!! :-)

Night Shot, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 1 1 455
This shot isn't perfect (mostly a dirty scan), but I still like it well enough to upload it. This is Vaclavske Namesti, one of the centers of both new and historic entertainment in Prague, and the site of many important events in Czech history, including many political protests, and at least one battle (at the end of World War II). In the foreground you can see the statue of St. Vaclav, as in my other photos, and in the distance you can see the Mustek neighborhood and the New Yorker, a major clothing store.

Christmas Decorations Outside Bata, Prague, CZ, 20…

01 Sep 2007 760
Bata is one of the oldest shoe store chains in the Czech Republic, and I think this is their biggest and most important store, on Vaclavske Namesti in Prague (if I'm wrong on these points, someone please let me know). It's getting close to Christmas now, of course, so there are Christmas decorations all up and down Vaclavske Namesti.

Christmas Decorations In Vaclavske Namesti, Prague…

01 Sep 2007 639
This is the Mustek end of Vaclavske Namesti, decorated for Christmas of 2006, although Christmas is still more than a week away. The purple lights on the tree are an original touch, I think.

Grand Hotel Europa, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 1 470
The Grand Hotel Europa is one of the better-known hotels in Prague, along with the Jalta and the Karluv IV, and is situated on the west side of Vaclavske Namesti. This shot is unusual in that it was one of the first black and whites that I ever shot with my Pentax MZ-10, and the first time I ever shot the 35mm version of Ilford Pan F film. I hope you like it. :-)

Hotel Zlata Husa, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ, 2…

01 Sep 2007 435
I do have other photos of this hotel and its neighbors on Flickr, but this is one of my best, I think.

DPP #9113, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ, 2007

01 Sep 2007 440
This was the first time I saw #9113...ever. It was also the first time I had ever seen a Skoda 14T in service before I saw it in testing, and the first time I saw a 14T working service 9. I was also lucky to have my Lomo, as the other camera I had with me that day was the Ikoflex, and I was certain that I wouldn't have it ready before the tram pulled out of the stop.

Vaclavske Namesti In The Rain, Prague, CZ, 2007

06 Feb 2007 1 1 612
This is part of a larger experiment with loading my Ikoflex with color film. This roll was badly underexposed, though, because of the shutter having no intermediate settings between 1/100 and 1/300, and of course my lack of skill. I'm wondering if the batteries in my Gossen Polysix lightmeter are a problem, too. I've also got a bit of a blue cast over everything, which I've noticed to a lesser degree with other photos taken with a Zeiss, and I've got vignetting ala Holga or Lomo, although the vignetting is something I've experienced before with underexposed Ikoflex shots. I also had considerable light leaks on this roll, although I doubt this is the camera, as I mishandled the film several times, and we know how 120 is. The issues with the film, I sense, also inhibited the lab from doing a good scan. Any tips on how to get the most out of color in an Ikoflex or other old Zeiss-lensed TLR would be welcome. :-)