Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: jessops2

Departure From London King's Cross, London, Englan…

01 Sep 2007 1 1 499
Here's an additional bonus shot of my departure from King's Cross, which I forgot in include earlier. I hope you like it. Notice that in addition to the Intercity 225s, there's also an older Intercity 125 peeking out. GNER use them to serve cities north of Edinburgh that don't have electrification.

Metro Trains Advertising Livery On A Class 155 DMU…

01 Sep 2007 560
Northern Trains is also part of the Metro Trains system serving West Yorkshire, and this is an advertisement included in their new livery on some of their trains.

New Northern Trains Livery On A Class 158 Express…

01 Sep 2007 442
This is the new Northern Trains livery, sort of a purplish blue, on the train that took me over the final leg of my journey to Bradford Interchange.

Metro Trains #155344, Bradford Interchange, Bradfo…

01 Sep 2007 594
This wasn't my train, but it was one of the first ones I noticed upon arrival in Bradford.

Leeds, West Yorkshire, England(UK), 2007

01 Sep 2007 329
This was as we were arriving in Leeds. I didn't get any station shots since I was in too much of a hurry to get my connection and the light was horrible.

Doncaster Station, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Eng…

01 Sep 2007 455
This was as we were rolling into Doncaster, where we stopped before continuing to Leeds. I didn't get the number on the other Intercity 225.

Newark Flat Crossing, Newark North Gate, Nottingha…

01 Sep 2007 432
I again apologize for the sloppy composition of this photo. I often get my timing wrong at 100 m.p.h. This may be the fastest flat crossing in the world, and no, they haven't stopped using these things, whatever ignorant people on the internet say.

Picture 2, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England(UK), 20…

01 Sep 2007 485
Here's another mostly-ugly photo of Grantham, with yet another ugly shopping centre in the foreground, with the nicer, older buildings in the distance.

Grantham, Lincolnshire, England(UK), 2007

01 Sep 2007 444
This was when we got to Grantham, a nice town but like Peterborough blighted by ugly car-oriented buildings. On the plus side, you can see the steeple of St. Wulfram's Church in the background.

GBRf # 66714 & 66711, Picture 2, unknown location…

01 Sep 2007 557
Here's my second Class 66 shot, even more desperate than the first, but actually better in some ways.

GBRf #66714 & 66711, unknown location KX-Peterboro…

01 Sep 2007 512
If anyone can help me with the location of this and the next shot, I would be grateful. I didn't note the location, but took the shot because I wasn't sure if I had any shots of BGRf Class 66 freight diesels yet. In any case, here's a wild shot taken out of the side of my Intercity 225 going 125 m.p.h., or something close to that, on the way to Peterborough.

GNER Intercity 225s At London King's Cross, London…

01 Sep 2007 590
Jumping way, way ahead in my story, this was after I arrived at King's Cross and got my camera out again. The Intercity 225 in the foreground would take me to Leeds.

MAV Diner, Rolling At 140 Km/h+ somewhere near Dec…

01 Sep 2007 500
The coaching stock on the Hungaria is usually Hungarian, appropriate to the name, and the Hungarian State Railway, MAV, is truly a throwback to the age of steam when it comes to luxury. This was the diner where I had a very good meal for dirt cheap while rolling through the night towards Berlin. The diner, I should note, is thoroughly modern, and authorized for 200Km/h operation, even if it looks like it was built in the 1930s.

ZSSK #350 008-9 Pulling EC170, the "Hungaria," int…

01 Sep 2007 518
Finally my train, EC170, the "Hungaria," arrived with a Slovak Class 350 electric waiting to be cut off and replaced with the 371 pictured earlier. It was about 10 minutes late, but ultimately I didn't miss my Berlin connection as a result.

Freight Past Sunset, Nadrazi Holesovice, Holesovic…

01 Sep 2007 470
Finally, I had the treat of a freight train pulling through Holesovice ahead of my train, which probably explained why my train was about 10 minutes late.

Rail Grinding Machine???, Nadrazi Holesovice, Hole…

01 Sep 2007 471
I'm really stumped as to what this machine is, although it's obviously some kind of MOW equipment. I'm assuming its a rail grinder, as it doesn't look elaborate enough to be a ballast cleaner. Does anybody know?

Sunset On Pendolino, Nadrazi Holesovice, Holesovic…

01 Sep 2007 517
Just as the sunset illuminated other trains and objects, it also had the chance to illuminate the Pendolino, which showed up exactly when I was ready for it. I heard the announcement, ran a few meters, composed the shot, and clicked.

Sunset Reflection, Nadrazi Holesovice, Holesovice,…

01 Sep 2007 429
This was the same sunset as earlier, only reflected in the glass of a shelter on my platform in Holesovice.

23 items in total