Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: clock tower

Clock Tower, Stare Radnice, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 345
Maybe they could call this one the "Prazky Normalni Hodiny." :-) This is a completely conventional dial clock on a tower directly above the Prazky Orloj, on the Stare Radnice, or Old Town Hall, where both are located.

Sunset, Stare Radnice, Prague, CZ, 2006

01 Sep 2007 370
I also took this with my sky filter, and was hoping for more shadow detail, but you can't have everything.

Tynsky Chram And The Moon At Dusk, Prague, CZ, 200…

01 Sep 2007 436
This is one of a series of shots I took from the clock tower on the Stare Radnice, or Old Town Hall, in Staromestske Namesti, or Old Town Square, in Prague. As this was one of a series that I shot, expect more soon! :-)

Staromestske Namesti From Stare Radnice Clock Towe…

01 Sep 2007 376
Until this day (which I think was Sunday, the 3rd of December) I didn't know that the general public could go up in the clock tower on the Stare Radnice. It just seemed incredibly unlikely to me, but in reality many of these towers are open to the public in the Czech Republic, and this one is especially famous. This is, of course, a very Christmas season shot, but in reality more attention was being devoted to the upcoming St. Nicholas Day on the 6th. On the day before St. Nicholas Day, for those who come from countries where it's not celebrated, St. Nicholas (you know, Santa Claus) tours cities in the evening accompanied by an entourage of angels and devils, looking for good and bad kids. It's a night of lots of screaming, fireworks, and the kind of anarchy that is normally reserved in the United States for Halloween or in Britain for Guy Fawkes Night. It's a little crazy, of course, but in this shot it was still a few days away, so they had a stage set up to do folk dancing instead.

Sunset From Stare Radnice Clock Tower, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 368
While I was up in the Stare Radnice clock tower, I also took some sunset shots, as it was dusk. I shot this handheld, as I had my Pentax loaded with 800 ISO film.

Sunset From Stare Radnice, Picture 2, Prague, CZ,…

01 Sep 2007 352
This is my second sunset shot from the Stare Radnice shoot, with St. Vitus Cathedral in the background.