Leon_Vienna's photos with the keyword: Felsen

Lake Nipissing, South Shore - 2007

Lake Nipissing, Rock Gardens & Kalm's Lobelia (4xP…

06 Oct 2021 10 13 217
Kalm's Lobelia on wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobelia_kalmii Northern White Cedar on wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuja_occidentalis Abendländischer Lebensbaum auf wikipedia: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abendl%C3%A4ndischer_Lebensbaum

Lake Nipissing Cottage Again - 2007

Lake Nipissing, Cottage Again - 2007 (2xPiP)

Manitoulin Island - Last View on Carter Bay - 2007…

Manitoulin Island, Misery Bay, Beach Community - 2…

30 Aug 2021 11 5 237
Beach life on Manitoulin ...

Manitoulin Island, Pavement Alvar at Misery Bay -…

28 Aug 2021 9 7 173
Back to my my photo archive HDD - Canada 2007 series can go on. A closer look at the compact and leveled limestone on Manitoulin Island with its structural cracks and glacial scratches. Hard life there ... More about Alvars: english - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar deutsch - de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar_(Landform) Two further sites about Canadian Alvars worth seeing, you'll find here - very nicely written and garnished with most beautiful images: - floraofohio.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-bruce-peninsula-part-vi-alvar.html (all seven parts about Bruce Peninsula are worth to look at - in my opinion ... and not even mentioning the rest of this interesting site) - www.meanderphotography.ca/Alvar

Manitoulin Island, Pavement Alvar with Glacial Str…

15 Aug 2021 10 13 211
Alvar - leveled and massiv limestone, planed by ice age glacier. Non to little soil development during last few thousand years create an envirement for very specialized plant communities. Those stronger cracks have to do with the structure of the limestone, the finer scratches origin from glacial movements during the last ice age. More about Alvars: english - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar deutsch - de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar_(Landform) Two further sites about Canadian Alvars worth seeing, you'll find here - very nicely written and garnished with most beautiful images: - floraofohio.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-bruce-peninsula-part-vi-alvar.html (all seven parts about Bruce Peninsula are worth to look at - in my opinion ... and not even mentioning the rest of this interesting site) - www.meanderphotography.ca/Alvar

Manitoulin Island, Pavement Limestone, Misery Bay…

14 Aug 2021 12 11 199
Compact and leveled limestone bedrock creats a biological environment known as Alvar. According german wikipedia one more criterion shall be that the limestone rock was more or less planed by the ice of the ice age. Often scratches of those glacier works can be seen on the surface of the "pavement". More about Alvars: english - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar deutsch - de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar_(Landform) Two further sites about Canadian Alvars worth seeing, you'll find here - very nicely written and garnished with most beautiful images: - floraofohio.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-bruce-peninsula-part-vi-alvar.html (all seven parts about Bruce Peninsula are worth to look at - in my opinion ... and not mentioning the rest of this interesting site) - www.meanderphotography.ca/Alvar Oh, and by the way: the sky was brought by Skylum's Luminar AI. On my original JPG it was dazzling white ... I experiment with it, but whenever skies or light mood is effected with it, I tag it with "Luminar AI".

Manitoulin Island, Misery Bay - 2007

12 Aug 2021 10 12 220
Compact and leveled limestone bedrock creats a biological environment known as Alvar. According german wikipedia one more criterion shall be that the limestone rock was more or less planed by the ice of the ice age. Often scratches of those glacier works can be seen on the surface of the "pavement". More about Alvars: english - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar deutsch - de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvar_(Landform)

Manitoulin Island, Niagara esc... someone always s…

02 Aug 2021 12 12 197
And be he black as black he can be ... Rocky ;-)

Manitoulin Island, Niagara Escarpment (3xPiP)

Lake Nipissing, The Bay around the Corner - 2007 (…

Lake Nipissing, Tranquillity - 2007

10 Jul 2021 10 4 184
Goose Islands and north shore in the distance.

Lake Nipissing - Granite vegetation (PiP)

Mani-doo Aja-bikong (PiP) aka Devil's Rock

29 May 2021 14 10 239
Devil's Rock (also known as Devils Rock and Mani-doo Aja-bikong) is a granite escarpment located 5 kilometres (3 mi) south of Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada. The cliffs rise 300 feet (91 m) above Lake Timiskaming and extend nearly as far underwater as they do above, giving Devil's Rock a cliff face roughly 600 feet (180 m) tall. From wikipedia Lake Timiskaming Timiskaming Graben