mg1744's photos with the keyword: Virginia Beach

Dark Ship on the Dark Sea

16 Oct 2017 14 9 601
Snow is still a relatively rare occurrence along the Virginia Capes. On this evening I had taken a number of photos along the boardwalk in Virginia Beach. As I was preparing to leave, I noticed some lights barely visible through the gloom. Coming closer with the snow abating momentarily, I could discern the outline of this small ship anchored surprisingly close to the shore. After a couple of minutes the snow worsened and the ship disappeared again. I investigated over the next couple of days but was unable to find out any further information about the vessel. However, the next summer, I was a couple of miles (3km) further south along the beach at Rudee Inlet, photographing the ongoing shoreline dredging operation and looking at the dredge, realized I was looking at a familiar silhouette. Alas, no Flying Dutchman reborn, but only a simple dredge. Submitted to the October, 2017 Contest Without Prize, theme "Dark Mood" as entry #50. Very similar photo previously posted @ and submitted to the 2013 December NPC contest @!topic/panoramio-games-competitions/EB6g9GroC9g%5B1-25%5D as entry #18 with the title "Ghost Ship".

Flags - SPC 3/2017 2nd place - Flag Display

09 Apr 2017 6 6 515
SECOND PLACE PHOTO - March, 2017 Secret Photographer Contest; theme "Flags"; entry #11 with the previous title "Flag Display". A vigorous onshore breeze has all 75 flags fully displayed on this quintuple flag mast located on the dunes immediately behind the Atlantic shoreline at Virginia Beach, Virginia, including the 50 US states; the US territories; 13 other sovereign nations; the Vietnam veterans POW/MIA banner; and, of course Old Glory at the top of the central mast with a small pennant of unknown significance just beneath. Flags fly on weekends from Memorial Day to Labor Day for the last 18 years and are maintained by the 87th Street Neighborhood Association. View is to the SE. Submitted to the March, 2017 Secret Photographer Contest @ as entry #11. Also, previously posted on Panoramio @ ; honored as the cover photo for the Panoramio group "Banderas y estandartes del mundo - All flags and banners"; and, submitted to the August, 2013 Panoramio contest in the category Vertical and to the 2015 October TTT contest @!topic/panoramio-games-competitions/20TSb2_a7dE%5B1-25%5D as entry #43 with the title "Sunny Flags".

Stormy Sea

09 Jan 2017 2 1 480
Photo was taken in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Although Sandy was not a particularly powerful storm in terms of wind, it was a very large storm in terms of area and it was the tidal surge which proved most destructive when the storm came close to shore causing much property damage especially in the coastal areas of northern New Jersey and flooding parts of the subway system in New York City. Happily, the storm passed the Virginia Capes further offshore moderating the damage. At the time this photo was taken the "eye" or center of the storm had actually passed by to the north of Virginia Beach. Thus, given the counterclockwise motion of the wind around the eye of the storm, the wind was actually at my back blowing from the west. At this stage then the effect of the wind was to hold back the ocean which probably accounts for the higher surf and the spray at the top of the breaking wave being blown out to sea as shown in the photo. View is a little to the south of east. Submitted to the January, 2017 Contest Without Prize, theme "Sea-Mer-Meer-Mare-Tengar-Jura-Mar ..." as entry #25. Very similar photo previously posted @ with the title "Sand, Sea & Sky II".