Margrit May Berger (♫ SwissMay)'s photos with the keyword: Emmental

Raureif, Hoarfrost, Rimer, Escarcha, Brina

31 Dec 2019 19 21 283
Ein warmes Zuhause für Alle! / Une maison chaleureuse pour tout le monde! / Un hogar cálido para todos! / A warm home for everyone! Una casa calda per tutti! / Um lar acolhedor para todos! / Теплый дом для всех! May Margrit

Sunset in December

30 Dec 2019 12 11 201
Happy New Year! Bonne année! Tanti auguri! Alles Gute für 2020! Feliz Año Nuevo!

P1060336 - die Herbstnebel verwischen sanft die Ko…

P1060335 - die Täler werden zu Nebelseen

P1060329 - mb - Novembernebel im Emmental

1-P1000913 - mb - Nymphalis urticae - kleiner Fuch…

P4230176 - Pano - mb - my friend Rex, painting the…

24 Oct 2016 7 9 398
Berner Sennenhund - Bernese Mountain Dog Rex wasn´t my dog, but a very good friend, he used to join me on my walks, when I passed his little farm, :) Sad, he died many years ago.

P9170061 - mb - Pano - Back home again

24 Oct 2016 8 13 376
Simmentaler Fleckvieh auf dem Alpabtrieb! Back from the Meadows of the high Summer region! One of the first photos I uploaded on Pano in July 2007

1-PA080044 - Autumn on a Sunny Day!

5795973 - Emmental mit 7 Hengsten Hohgant und Bern…

23 Oct 2016 10 7 287
This is one of my photos, which I uploaded in Panoramio in 2007. OLYMPUS CORPORATION C770UZ - I took the photo on the 12th of May in 2007

1-P1160160 - Emmental

23 Oct 2016 8 5 219
Emmental is: Woods, lush Meadows, beautiful wooden Farmhouses sprinkled across the hills, View to the majestic Bernese Alps

P1210755 Autumn Colours

19 Oct 2016 6 6 194
Der Herbst mit all seiner Melancholie tröstet uns mit seinen Farben!