Andy Rodker's photos with the keyword: Torres Kio

Torres Kio and the hypodermic needle, Plaza de Cas…

09 Aug 2022 41 40 302
Another missed bus (by seconds and a two hour wait), so another photo opportunity. The golden needle like structure was added to this site just before I came to live and work here. It doesn't seem to be liked much; hence the nickname you see in my title! (La Aguja hipodérmica in Spanish). I think the heat of the day comes through in this shot!

One of the two Torres Kio, Madrid (Torre Kio Este)…

20 Jul 2022 45 38 315
Revolutionary for the early 1990s, these leaning towers were a noted landmark and perhaps still are, even if the nearby Cuatro Torres now steal their limelight. The main bus terminal for buses to the north lies underground here on many levels. I just missed my bus by seconds so had two hours to wait for the next one (a much reduced summer 'service'!). With time to kill I went for a walk and took this shot on a whim. This wikipedia entry may be of interest;

Plaza de Castilla, Madrid, Torres Kio and the Hypo…

02 Feb 2021 41 48 433
The tall and thin sculpture to the right of the shot is called, irreverently, the Hypodermic Needle.

HFF and SOS!!

23 Jan 2020 37 44 311
Plaza de Castilla, Madrid. Normally filled solid with traffic. I caught a serendipitous phase in the traffic light signalling! Taken whilst waiting for a bus to take me to my next class. The bus stop is round the corner (It is one of 100s of bus stops here, mostly on three levels underground; this is the major transport hub for northern Madrid, but you wouldn't necessarily know it from this position!).

... and then the other.

12 Jul 2019 10 11 357
Paseo de La Castellana looking south into the sun and towards the Torres Kio, Plaza de Castilla and then into the centre of Madrid.

Madrid, northern suburbs

30 Nov 2018 34 18 686
Sierra de Guadarrama, snow-capped. A view from the offices of the most important man at a major Spanish bank that i shall refrain from naming. This august personage, and a good student, kindly allowed me to take this photo, strictly against the rules of the building! Shot taken through thick glass. The tall buildings seen here are the first two of the Quatro Torres. They hide the other two.This near one is a Norman Foster design and is still the tallest building in Spain.

Paseo de la Castellana.

18 Feb 2018 15 16 442
From Torre Europa, looking north to Torres Kio and the Four Towers along this main Madrid thoroughfare. Behind the furthest towers can just be glimpsed La Sierra de La Cabrera. Best on black and full screen.

Madrid, Plaza de Castilla

05 Nov 2016 17 25 520
This was my only shot on Pano that got over 100,000 views (but only a handful of comments, likes and faves). I think almost certainly that Google Earth had it prominently placed at this location so it was unavoidable really and nothing to do with whatever merit this shot may or may not have!