Andy Rodker's photos with the keyword: rock pool


23 May 2023 28 14 255
One of many rock pool shots I took in the years 2011 - 2015. Low tide. Better on large.

For Pam

13 May 2023 24 14 249
I know she likes rock pools, especially Cornish ones! I hope this won't disappoint. I know it's hard to see any water here but in fact everything you see is covered by seawater; the light was so perfect and the air so still that you wouldn't know it was there! I know the shot is Cornwall and the music vid is Spanish but what the hey!

Porthcadjack for Pam.

11 Feb 2020 33 24 498
Low tide, sea cave and rock pool. Cornish north coast.

Rock pool for Pam and Rosa (who have both often ex…

23 Dec 2019 26 12 399
A favourite rock pool you can swim in (well a little bit). I have been known to skinny dip here if I thought there was no-one around, and often there wasn't. Godrevy Point, Cornwall.

Mini rock pool, for Pam.

21 Nov 2019 10 5 264
One of zillions around the Cornish coast at low tide.

Rock pool, for Pam and everyone who likes them!

Rock pool, for Pam

26 Oct 2019 20 16 279
Greenbank Cove, Cornwall

Cornish rock pool, for Pam.

Godrevy and rock pool.

01 Oct 2019 24 11 255
I've posted this before I guess. But the place is irresistible! For Pam.

Rock pool, enormous cave, no tourists, a gorgeous…

17 May 2019 33 26 766
Porthcadjack, Cornwall. Sight and Sound. A Paul Tortellier masterclass in the original French. Paul Tortellier: A musical genius no doubt but also the best proselytiser of classical musical I have ever heard. Sheer passion, allied to musicological insight, sound didactic methodology, rationality, humanity and humour.

Rock pool for Pam. Very low tide.

15 May 2019 19 11 342
Crane Islands seen from Greenbank Cove, Cornwall

Rockpool, for Pam.

14 Apr 2019 27 13 498
I'm unsure about the brightly coloured stones. This area (Porthtowan) was heavily mined for many years and for a number of minerals and I assume that these are the ores of some of them.

Rockpool, Greenbank Cove, for Pam.

Rock pool, Godrevy

01 Jan 2019 20 20 457
One of the millions of rock pools to be found at low tide. Worth a view on large.

Colourful rock pool for Pam!

03 Oct 2018 41 41 704
The clear water in these rock pools makes taking photos of them a delight!

Rock pool

14 Jul 2018 14 15 358
Greenbank Cove, North Cliffs, Cornwall. No, I can't explain the colours!

Rock pool, Cornwall

04 Jul 2018 18 16 633
I keep finding more in my archives. Occasionally I have to guess where they are, such as this one, but I have a hunch it was at Basset Cove, North Cliffs.

Another rock pool ... well, they are photogenic,…

15 May 2018 18 14 279
No excuses for another. I like them and so do many others! Greenbank Cove, North Cliffs. I managed to get to the mountains today. The first time in almost a year! Fortunately my feet stood up to it. The downside is that I cannot download my photos from my new mobile phone more than one at a time and until I get this fixed, it will take more time than I currently have to download the 150 I took today. Pressure of work means that I will upload my usual 3 photos a day but I may not be able to do any more than that on ipernity for the time being. I promise I will get to view your photos eventually. It may be days, it may be weeks, I cannot tell. I am far from retired. I need to keep slogging away and sometimes, especially at this time of year (exams) the pressure mounts! I think I took some beauties but I won't be showing them all that quickly!

23 items in total