Andy Rodker's photos with the keyword: Griffon vultures

The family gathers for a pre-scavange conflab!

17 Aug 2021 65 75 513
Griffon vultures on Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de la Cabrera. First posted in 2012 on Panoramio but never on ipertinity for some reason / oversight. Still, better late than never!

A vulture on (nearly) every pinacle!

11 Oct 2020 36 36 362
Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. Best on full-screen.

Vulture convention. High above the Spanish Plain.

17 Feb 2020 47 29 461
Taken from the summit of Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. Always worth the effort to scramble up here! Best on full screen.

Griffon vultures

26 Nov 2019 35 34 647
On Cancho de La Bola, looking across to Pico de La Miel which looks much closer that it actually is. Sierra de La Cabrera granite country.

Vultures soaring.

25 Aug 2019 7 7 300
Sierra de La Cabrera.

A vulture with every peak

27 Apr 2019 16 8 332
Sierra de La Cabrera, Cancho de La Bola. Unedited. I have lost the hard drive of my old computer and although the external hard drive seems to be OK and it is where my photos are, I can't associate it with my new laptop. Google has dumped Picasa, so my editing tool has gone. I had it on my old computer but that is history. How does Picmonkey work? Until I am able to associate my external hard drive with my new laptop, I will have a limited supply of uploads, and no new photos for a while.

Griffon vultures

20 Apr 2019 41 33 500
Cancho de La Bola, their favourite perch, and turned white due to 10,000 years of guano stains. Sierra de La Cabrera. The view is of the immense plateau of Castilla La Mancha, here seen on the border of Madrid and Guadalajara Provinces.

Cancho Largo and Griffon vultures

25 Mar 2019 14 6 364
Sierra de La Cabrera. Pure granite.

Cancho de La Bola - home to vultures.

08 Feb 2019 19 15 256
Sierra de La Cabrera. Here you see the main path, but it's much more fun to get in among those granite rocks and perhaps sometimes get close to a family of Griffon vultures!

Cancho Largo and vultures

21 Jan 2019 17 8 388
Always hoping I'd fall from a great height and yet I find them life-affirming in a way!

A long way down XIII

30 Jul 2018 47 34 895
3 Griffon vultures on their ledges overlooking the broad vista of the Central Spanish plateau (or Meseta = high plains). I see I have posted this one before - and not so long ago either.

Rock window. ahead is the vultures' favourite whit…

09 Jul 2018 15 13 537
In order to get shots of vultures, I need to crawl through this rock window as quietly as possible, creep ever so slowly up the rocks to the right and get to a position slightly above them, all the while staying as much as possible in the shade and it only works anyway if the wind is in your face, for obvious reasons! I posted this version of the shot by mistake. I have the unedited version, an unfinished and poorly edited version (this) and the one I intended to post. I decided to keep it as I didn't want to delete the fist few comments and the difference is in fact quite small! 'Sight and Sound' entry refers to my replies to Jean's and Larry's comments below where I found myself repeating the line 'hopes in vain' regarding the vulture watching me, hoping I might fall off! That thought led to my recalling (in a roundabout kind of way, without much logic, but using random association as we all do) the The Rolling Stones' 'Love in Vain.'

Griffon vultures. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

15 Jun 2018 37 33 691
La Sierra de La Cabrera. A fiercely hot day, Even the vultures didn't exert themselves Only the idiot Englishman!

El Cancho de La Bola and vultures

03 Apr 2018 16 16 372
The same vulture rock, taken from a little further down and to one side.

Griffon vultures

02 Feb 2018 22 25 686
On their favourite rock, Cancho de La Bola. Sierra de La Cabrera. This prominent rock is white because it has been stained with approx 10,000 years of vulture guano, or so it has been claimed and the timeframe since the last ice age seems about right.

Sierra de La Cabrera. Griffon vultures on every ou…

24 Jan 2018 27 30 724
El Cancho de La Bola, favourite vulture haunt. Please view large!

'He thinks we can't see him'. 'Just wait till he f…

19 Sep 2017 23 30 934
Griffon vultures, El Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera.

My friendly vulture family!

15 Feb 2017 42 75 1006
Buitres Leonidas. Griffon Vultures. I was fortunate to get this close. I was upwind and in the shade; it helped! El Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. Photo taken in May 2013, regardless of the exif date!